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Re: [OctDev] Octave mingw 3.2.0 crashes

From: Benjamin Lindner
Subject: Re: [OctDev] Octave mingw 3.2.0 crashes
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 22:40:37 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081105)

nit ar wrote:
*Hello octave maintainers !

Octave Mingw 3.2.0 crashes on my XP SP3 machine when :
a. certain eval commands are executed within function after octave startup
b. clear functions command is executed

I am attaching a test function code (testf1.m) and listing hereafter some examples which lead to such crashes.
The examples have been run immediately after octave startup.

% example A - crash, no exception notice:
[a,b]=testf1('b=4;a=testf1(''a=1;'',''a'');','a','b'); % ok
clear functions % crashes, no exception notice

**% example B - above line function calling succeeds when it is called in two stages but crashes when clearing functions, no exception notice:
**a=testf1('a=1;c=3;','a'); % ok
**[a,b]=testf1('b=4;a=testf1(''a=1;'',''a'');','a','b'); % ok
clear functions** % crashes, no exception notice

**% example C - crashes with windows Application Error popup:
[a,b]=testf1('b=4;a=testf1(''a=1;c=3;'',''a'');','a','b'); % crashes

Example C above generates an windows application error popup:
The instruction at "0x7c9104fa" referenced memory at "0xfffffffd", The memory could not be "read".
Click OK to terminate the program

I have followed some threads regarding the possibility that SWIG related packages are causing these crashes so I have tried the above examples also after executing
pkg unload all
and still having these crashes.

IIRC those packages must be uninstalled, not just unloaded.
If you uninstall them, do you still see the crashes?


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