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Re: Text engine for OpenGL renderer

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Text engine for OpenGL renderer
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 10:46:26 -0400

On Jun 26, 2009, at 4:19 PM, Michael Goffioul wrote:


For those interested, I just commited a new Freetype/Fontconfig based text engine for the OpenGL backend. At the moment, it's very basic. It's mainly a skeleton that contains enough to render tick labels, axes labels, titles and
simple text objects. It will be enhanced later on.

Note that if fontconfig is not available, the engine uses a hardcoded
font, which
defaults to Verdana under Win32 platform. As I didn't what font to use under UNIX platform, I left that part empty. This means that if you're running UNIX without fontconfig (development package), text rendering will probably not work.


Michael / others,

I have fontcofig and freetype, but ...

octave:1> backend("fltk")
octave:2> plot(1:10)
octave:3> error: draw_text: cannot render text, Freetype library not available
error: draw_text: cannot render text, Freetype library not available
error: draw_text: cannot render text, Freetype library not available
error: draw_text: cannot render text, Freetype library not available
error: draw_text: cannot render text, Freetype library not available
error: draw_text: cannot render text, Freetype library not available
panic: Bus error -- stopping myself...
attempting to save variables to `octave-core'...
save to `octave-core' complete

I'm using Fink as my package manager.

$ fink list fontconf
Information about 9092 packages read in 1 seconds.
i fontconfig-path 20081230-3 Add custom directories to fontconfig search
 p   fontconfig1                          [virtual package]
 p   fontconfig1-dev                      [virtual package]
 p   fontconfig1-shlibs                   [virtual package]
 i   fontconfig2-dev      2.4.1-108       Font configuration library
i fontconfig2-shlibs 2.4.1-108 Fontconfig 2, shared libs (dummy) i system-pkgconfig-fo 2.6.0-1 [virtual pkgconfig package representing fontconfig]

$ fink list freetype
Information about 9092 packages read in 1 seconds.
freetype 1.3.1-11 TrueType font rendering library, version 1 freetype-bin 1.3.1-11 TrueType font rendering library, version 1 freetype-hinting 1.3.1-11 TrueType font rendering library, version 1, hinting en... freetype-hinting-bi 1.3.1-11 TrueType font rendering library, version 1, hinting en... freetype-hinting-sh 1.3.1-11 TrueType font rendering library, version 1, hinting en... i freetype-shlibs 1.3.1-11 TrueType font rendering library, version 1 freetype2 2.1.4-12 TrueType font rendering library, (dummy)
 p   freetype2-dev                        [virtual package]
freetype2-hinting 2.1.4-12 TrueType font rendering library, (dummy) i freetype2-hinting-d 2.1.4-12 TrueType font rendering library, headers i freetype2-hinting-s 2.1.4-12 TrueType font rendering library, shared libs
 p   freetype2-shlibs                     [virtual package]
i freetype219 2.3.8-2 TrueType font rendering library, headers
 i   freetype219-default  2.3.8-2         Transient upgrader package
i freetype219-shlibs 2.3.8-2 TrueType font rendering library, shared libs i system-pkgconfig-fr 9.20.3-1 [virtual pkgconfig package representing freetype2]

The results of ./configure are ...

Octave is now configured for i386-apple-darwin9.7.0

  Source directory:     .
  Installation prefix:  /sw
C compiler: gcc -mieee-fp -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wformat -g -O2 C++ compiler: g++ -mieee-fp -I/sw/include/freetype2 -I/sw/ include -I/usr/X11/include -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wold-style-cast - Wformat -g -O2
  Fortran compiler:     /sw/bin/gfortran -g -mieee-fp
  Fortran libraries:    /sw/lib/gcc4.4/lib/libgfortran.dylib
  BLAS libraries:
  FFTW libraries:       -lfftw3 -lfftw3f
  GLPK libraries:       -lglpk
  UMFPACK libraries:    -lumfpack
  AMD libraries:        -lamd
  CAMD libraries:       -lcamd
  COLAMD libraries:     -lcolamd
  CCOLAMD libraries:    -lccolamd
  CHOLMOD libraries:    -lcholmod
  CXSPARSE libraries:   -lcxsparse
  ARPACK libraries:
  QRUPDATE libraries:   
  HDF5 libraries:       -lhdf5
  CURL libraries:       -lcurl
  REGEX libraries:      -L/sw/lib -lpcre
  QHULL libraries:      -lqhull
OPENGL libraries: -L/usr/X11/lib -lfontconfig -lftgl -L/sw/lib - lfreetype -lz -Wl,-framework,CoreServices -Wl,- framework,ApplicationServices -Wl,-framework -Wl,OpenGL FLTK backend libs: -L/sw/lib/fltk-aqua/lib -L//sw/lib -L/sw/lib - lfltk_gl -framework AGL -framework OpenGL -lfltk -lpthread -framework Carbon -framework ApplicationServices
  X11 include flags:    /usr/X11/include
  X11 libraries:        -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11
  CARBON libraries:     -Wl,-framework -Wl,Carbon
LIBS: -lreadline -lncurses -Wl,- framework,Accelerate,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/ Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/ libBLAS.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/ A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib -lhdf5 -lz -lm
  Default pager:        less
  gnuplot:              gnuplot
  Magick config:        GraphicsMagick++-config

  Do internal array bounds checking:  false
  Build static libraries:             false
  Build shared libraries:             true
  Dynamic Linking:                    true (dyld)
  Include support for GNU readline:   true
  64-bit array dims and indexing:     false

configure: WARNING: A BLAS library was detected but found incompatible with your Fortran 77 compiler. The reference BLAS implementation will be used. To improve performance, consider using a different Fortran compiler or a switch like -ff2c to make your Fortran compiler use a calling convention compatible with the way your BLAS library was compiled, or use a different BLAS library. configure: WARNING: qrupdate not found. The QR & Cholesky updating functions will be slow. configure: WARNING: arpack not found. This will result in a lack of the eigs function.

NOTE: libraries may be skipped if a library is not found OR
      if the library on your system is missing required features.

Does anyone have some insight as to what is wrong?


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