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Re: gnulib and automake

From: Benjamin Lindner
Subject: Re: gnulib and automake
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 20:05:05 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090605)

| make now completes beyond building all dld-functions.
| It's stuck building the doumentation, but I expected that.
| I need to translate my local patches and get shared libstdc++ working
| with libtool to get octave finally up and running

Does it link and run now, even without a shared libstdc++?

Yes it linkes all executables and libraries. It also in principle runs,
but there are issues with throwing (and catching) exceptions across
dll's if you don't link against shared libstdc++, so I prefer to
use it.

What are the problems with building the documentation?  Is it anything
that we should fix before checking the the changes to the main
development branch?

No, this is a pure msys issue. I use MiKTeX for building documentation.
MiKTeX, as native win application, uses windows style paths.
However, ocatve's configure procedure is run within msys, and uses thus
msys style paths, which - consequently - miktex does not understand.

If not, then I'd like to go ahead and check it in

go ahead.

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