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Re: fast scatter plots - advice sought

From: Søren Hauberg
Subject: Re: fast scatter plots - advice sought
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 09:30:08 +0100

tor, 14 01 2010 kl. 21:07 +0100, skrev David Bateman:
> also what does
> h = scatter(randn(1,4),randn(1,4)); kids = get(h,'children'); get(h,kids(1))

I had to change this into

  h = scatter(randn(1,4),randn(1,4)); kids = get(h,'children');

(I removed the 'h' in the last function call). Then I got

        AlphaDataMapping = scaled
        Annotation = [ (1 by 1) hg.Annotation array]
        CData = []
        CDataMapping = scaled
        DisplayName = 
        FaceVertexAlphaData = []
        FaceVertexCData = []
        EdgeAlpha = [1]
        EdgeColor = none
        FaceAlpha = [1]
        FaceColor = none
        Faces = [1]
        LineStyle = -
        LineWidth = [0.5]
        Marker = o
        MarkerEdgeColor = [0 0 1]
        MarkerFaceColor = none
        MarkerSize = [6]
        Vertices = [3.03492 -0.204966]
        XData = [3.03492]
        YData = [-0.204966]
        ZData = []
        FaceLighting = flat
        EdgeLighting = none
        BackFaceLighting = reverselit
        AmbientStrength = [0.3]
        DiffuseStrength = [0.6]
        SpecularStrength = [0.9]
        SpecularExponent = [10]
        SpecularColorReflectance = [1]
        VertexNormals = [NaN NaN NaN]
        NormalMode = auto

        BeingDeleted = off
        ButtonDownFcn = 
        Children = []
        Clipping = on
        CreateFcn = 
        DeleteFcn = 
        BusyAction = queue
        HandleVisibility = on
        HitTest = off
        Interruptible = on
        Parent = [0.00219727]
        Selected = off
        SelectionHighlight = on
        Tag = 
        Type = patch
        UIContextMenu = []
        UserData = []
        Visible = on

The figure contained four blue unfilled circular markers.

> h = scatter(randn(1,4),randn(1,4), 'filled'); kids = get(h,'children'); 

This gives me a figure with four filled blue circular markers.

> get(h,kids(1))

I changed this to 'get (kids (1))' and got

        AlphaDataMapping = scaled
        Annotation = [ (1 by 1) hg.Annotation array]
        CData = []
        CDataMapping = scaled
        DisplayName = 
        FaceVertexAlphaData = []
        FaceVertexCData = []
        EdgeAlpha = [1]
        EdgeColor = none
        FaceAlpha = [1]
        FaceColor = none
        Faces = [1]
        LineStyle = -
        LineWidth = [0.5]
        Marker = o
        MarkerEdgeColor = none
        MarkerFaceColor = [0 0 1]
        MarkerSize = [6]
        Vertices = [1.41719 1.63024]
        XData = [1.41719]
        YData = [1.63024]
        ZData = []
        FaceLighting = flat
        EdgeLighting = none
        BackFaceLighting = reverselit
        AmbientStrength = [0.3]
        DiffuseStrength = [0.6]
        SpecularStrength = [0.9]
        SpecularExponent = [10]
        SpecularColorReflectance = [1]
        VertexNormals = [NaN NaN NaN]
        NormalMode = auto

        BeingDeleted = off
        ButtonDownFcn = 
        Children = []
        Clipping = on
        CreateFcn = 
        DeleteFcn = 
        BusyAction = queue
        HandleVisibility = on
        HitTest = off
        Interruptible = on
        Parent = [0.00280762]
        Selected = off
        SelectionHighlight = on
        Tag = 
        Type = patch
        UIContextMenu = []
        UserData = []
        Visible = on

> h = scatter(randn(1,4),randn(1,4), 10, sqrt(randn(1,4).^2));

This gave me a figure with four small circular or square (too small to
tell the difference) unfilled markers of different colours.

> kids = get(h,'children'); get(h,kids(1))

(changed last call to 'get (kids (1))') This gave me

        AlphaDataMapping = scaled
        Annotation = [ (1 by 1) hg.Annotation array]
        CData = [1.43838]
        CDataMapping = scaled
        DisplayName = 
        FaceVertexAlphaData = []
        FaceVertexCData = [1.43838]
        EdgeAlpha = [1]
        EdgeColor = none
        FaceAlpha = [1]
        FaceColor = none
        Faces = [1]
        LineStyle = -
        LineWidth = [0.5]
        Marker = o
        MarkerEdgeColor = flat
        MarkerFaceColor = none
        MarkerSize = [3.16228]
        Vertices = [-0.303441 -1.14707]
        XData = [-0.303441]
        YData = [-1.14707]
        ZData = []
        FaceLighting = flat
        EdgeLighting = none
        BackFaceLighting = reverselit
        AmbientStrength = [0.3]
        DiffuseStrength = [0.6]
        SpecularStrength = [0.9]
        SpecularExponent = [10]
        SpecularColorReflectance = [1]
        VertexNormals = [NaN NaN NaN]
        NormalMode = auto

        BeingDeleted = off
        ButtonDownFcn = 
        Children = []
        Clipping = on
        CreateFcn = 
        DeleteFcn = 
        BusyAction = queue
        HandleVisibility = on
        HitTest = off
        Interruptible = on
        Parent = [0.00341797]
        Selected = off
        SelectionHighlight = on
        Tag = 
        Type = patch
        UIContextMenu = []
        UserData = []
        Visible = on

> h = scatter(randn(1,4),randn(1,4), 10, sqrt(randn(1,4).^2), 'filled'); 

This gave me a figure with four very small markers (i.e. about the size
of one pixel) of different colours.

> kids = get(h,'children'); get(h,kids(1))

(Same code change as previously). This gave me 

        AlphaDataMapping = scaled
        Annotation = [ (1 by 1) hg.Annotation array]
        CData = [0.627707]
        CDataMapping = scaled
        DisplayName = 
        FaceVertexAlphaData = []
        FaceVertexCData = [0.627707]
        EdgeAlpha = [1]
        EdgeColor = none
        FaceAlpha = [1]
        FaceColor = none
        Faces = [1]
        LineStyle = -
        LineWidth = [0.5]
        Marker = o
        MarkerEdgeColor = none
        MarkerFaceColor = flat
        MarkerSize = [3.16228]
        Vertices = [-1.71152 0.312859]
        XData = [-1.71152]
        YData = [0.312859]
        ZData = []
        FaceLighting = flat
        EdgeLighting = none
        BackFaceLighting = reverselit
        AmbientStrength = [0.3]
        DiffuseStrength = [0.6]
        SpecularStrength = [0.9]
        SpecularExponent = [10]
        SpecularColorReflectance = [1]
        VertexNormals = [NaN NaN NaN]
        NormalMode = auto

        BeingDeleted = off
        ButtonDownFcn = 
        Children = []
        Clipping = on
        CreateFcn = 
        DeleteFcn = 
        BusyAction = queue
        HandleVisibility = on
        HitTest = off
        Interruptible = on
        Parent = [0.00402832]
        Selected = off
        SelectionHighlight = on
        Tag = 
        Type = patch
        UIContextMenu = []
        UserData = []
        Visible = on


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