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Re: reading jpegs faster

From: David Grundberg
Subject: Re: reading jpegs faster
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 21:06:34 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090812)

David Grundberg wrote:
John W. Eaton wrote:
On 22-Jan-2010, David Grundberg wrote:

| I'm reading 10 megapixel jpeg files alot. Unfortunately it me takes 9 | seconds to load such files with imread on the tip. I think that is too | long time. Is someone experiencing the same problem as me? Or does it | have to do with my configuration? | | I've written a function file in C++ that loads the same file in about 1 | second.

Doesn't the GraphicsMagick library ultimately use libjpeg?  What
causes it to be slow?  Rather than writing a special case for jpeg
files, I think it would be better to find out why imread is slow and
fix that.  It's possible that would improve the performance of
Octave's imread function for all image formats, not just jpeg files.


I would guess it the slowness is due to extra copying/conversion being done.

For example,

 for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
     idx(0) = y;
     for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
         idx(1) = x;
         idx(2) = 0;
         im(idx) = scale_quantum_to_depth (pix[i].red, depth);
         idx(2) = 1;
         im(idx) = scale_quantum_to_depth (pix[i].green, depth);
         idx(2) = 2;
         im(idx) = scale_quantum_to_depth (pix[i].blue, depth);

is slow and stands for the most of the time spent. I think it's a good idea to use a general-purpose library like GraphicsMagick++, but as it currently stands it's wasting a lot of cycles just converting between char, int and double, and modifying index vectors. And the end result is that we've converted uint8 to uint8. I did some ugly hacks to the above loop but I wasn't particularly successful; got down to disappointing 6 seconds.

There's also the problem with the Octave image convention, a backwards way of storing images, where pixels are scattered throughout memory. Maybe the postprocessing to Octave image conventions could be done with more general purpose tools like Array::permute? Or is the current approach with rearranging directly better?

GraphicsMagick++ way of representing pixels (PixelPacket *), a blessing or a curse? It is a catch-all representation that will make conversions obligatory where there would be an opportunity to use data directly.


Okay. Now I got it down to 1.3 seconds. That's 130% compared to the jpgread performance, instead of the previous 900%. Needs polish, but it works.

Does anyone know of a good collection of image files of different types (color depth, paletted, etc)? Only testing my camera's JPG files will not cover a lot of different cases.

diff -r d307cba69817 src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/__magick_read__.cc
--- a/src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/__magick_read__.cc      Tue Jan 19 16:55:47 2010 +0100
+++ b/src/DLD-FUNCTIONS/__magick_read__.cc      Fri Jan 22 20:56:52 2010 +0100
@@ -35,7 +35,29 @@
 #include <Magick++.h>
-unsigned int
+template <class P, unsigned int depth, unsigned int quantumdepth>
+inline P
+scale_quantum_to_depth (const Magick::Quantum& quantum)
+  return (static_cast<P> (static_cast<double> (quantum)
+                                     / MaxRGB * ((1 << depth) - 1)));
+template <>
+inline octave_uint8
+scale_quantum_to_depth<octave_uint8, 8, 8> (const Magick::Quantum& quantum)
+  return static_cast<octave_uint8> (quantum);
+template <>
+inline octave_uint16
+scale_quantum_to_depth<octave_uint16, 16, 16> (const Magick::Quantum& quantum)
+  return static_cast<octave_uint16> (quantum);
+inline unsigned int
 scale_quantum_to_depth (const Magick::Quantum& quantum, unsigned int depth)
   return (static_cast<unsigned int> (static_cast<double> (quantum)
@@ -190,7 +212,7 @@
   return output;
-template <class T>
+template <class T, class P, unsigned int D>
 read_images (const std::vector<Magick::Image>& imvec,
              const Array<int>& frameidx, unsigned int depth)
@@ -269,31 +291,41 @@
     case Magick::PaletteType:
     case Magick::TrueColorType:
-      idim(2) = 3;
-      im = T (idim);
-      for (int frame = 0; frame < nframes; frame++)
-        {
-          const Magick::PixelPacket *pix
-            = imvec[frameidx(frame)].getConstPixels (0, 0, columns, rows);
+      {
+        idim(2) = 3;
+        im = T (idim);
+        P *vec = reinterpret_cast<P *> (im.fortran_vec ());
-          int i = 0;
-          idx(3) = frame;
+        for (int frame = 0; frame < nframes; frame++)
+          {
+            const Magick::PixelPacket *pix
+              = imvec[frameidx(frame)].getConstPixels (0, 0, columns, rows);
-          for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
-            {
-              idx(0) = y;
-              for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
-                {
-                  idx(1) = x;
-                  idx(2) = 0;
-                  im(idx) = scale_quantum_to_depth (pix[i].red, depth);
-                  idx(2) = 1;
-                  im(idx) = scale_quantum_to_depth (pix[i].green, depth);
-                  idx(2) = 2;
-                  im(idx) = scale_quantum_to_depth (pix[i].blue, depth);
-                  i++;
-                }
-            }
+            int i = 0;
+            P *rbuf, *gbuf, *bbuf;
+            rbuf = vec;
+            gbuf = vec + rows * columns;
+            bbuf = vec + rows * columns * 2;
+            for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++)
+              {
+                for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++)
+                  {
+                    *rbuf = scale_quantum_to_depth<P, D, QuantumDepth> 
+                    *gbuf = scale_quantum_to_depth<P, D, QuantumDepth> 
+                    *bbuf = scale_quantum_to_depth<P, D, QuantumDepth> 
+                    i++;
+                    rbuf += rows;
+                    gbuf += rows;
+                    bbuf += rows;
+                  }
+                rbuf -= rows * columns - 1;
+                gbuf -= rows * columns - 1;
+                bbuf -= rows * columns - 1;
+              }
+            // Next frame.
+            vec += rows * columns * 3;
+          }
@@ -426,17 +458,23 @@
       switch (depth)
         case 1:
-          output = read_images<boolNDArray> (imvec, frameidx, depth);
+          output = read_images<boolNDArray, bool, 1> (imvec, frameidx, depth);
         case 2:
+          output = read_images<uint8NDArray, octave_uint8, 2> (imvec, 
frameidx, depth) ;
+          break;
         case 4:
+          output = read_images<uint8NDArray, octave_uint8, 4> (imvec, 
frameidx, depth) ;
+          break;
         case 8:
-          output = read_images<uint8NDArray> (imvec, frameidx, depth) ;
+          output = read_images<uint8NDArray, octave_uint8, 8> (imvec, 
frameidx, depth) ;
         case 16:
-          output = read_images<uint16NDArray> (imvec, frameidx, depth);
+          output = read_images<uint16NDArray, octave_uint16, 16> (imvec, 
frameidx, depth);
         case 32:

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