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Re: conv2 performance

From: Jaroslav Hajek
Subject: Re: conv2 performance
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 10:56:33 +0100

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Jaroslav Hajek <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 4:53 PM, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I recieved a complaint that Octave's conv2 function is about 5 times
>> slower than Matlab's.  By making a few simple changes, I was able to
>> improve the perfromance some, but not by a factor of 5.  My changes
>> are here:
>>  http://hg.savannah.gnu.org/hgweb/octave/rev/dc8637fd7a76
>> On my system, I see the following improvement after these changes:
>>  > n = 1024; m = 64; x = rand(n,n); k = rand(m,m); tic; y = conv2(x,k); toc
>>  old: Elapsed time is 26.2576 seconds.
>>  new: Elapsed time is 13.6104 seconds.
>> and
>>  > n = 1024; m = 512; x = rand(n,1); k = rand(m,1); m = rand (m,n);
>>  > tic; y = conv2(x,k,m); toc
>>  old: Elapsed time is 8.53273 seconds.
>>  new: Elapsed time is 3.27103 seconds.
>> Maybe there is still room for improvement here.  I would happily use a
>> free software library with a GPL-compatible license to implement this
>> function, but I don't know whether one is available.
>> jwe
> I have some ideas for speeding up the conv2 in stock. Using an
> existing library would of course be better, but I don't know of a
> suitable one. Unless anyone can come up with an existing solution,
> I'll try to convert the ideas to code eventually.

I think John Swensen has a point in that FFT-based convolution is
asymptotically better. 4th-order loops can outperform it only for
small kernels (the meaning of "small" depending on implementation).
Hence I think any loop-based code should primarily target small

I committed an initial implementation of convolutions in liboctave:

This instantiates a specialized code for all kernels up to 8x8 in
size. Larger kernels are split into 8x8 blocks.
The 4th-order loop is such that the innermost 2 loops have fixed size,
hence can be completely unrolled.

I used the attached benchmark to measure the time for convolution of a
1000x1000 matrix with all kernel sizes up to 10x10.
Times are averaged over 5 runs. Results on my computer (Core 2 Duo @
2.83 GHz, g++ -O3 -march=native) are attached.

octave:1> load all_data

with a recent tip:

octave:2> tocs_oct0
tocs_oct0 =

   0.012844   0.013554   0.016711   0.022400   0.023357   0.026729
0.030247   0.033534   0.036832   0.040352
   0.021440   0.029549   0.039860   0.042910   0.046509   0.043920
0.050186   0.055437   0.060768   0.064602
   0.014037   0.022069   0.032884   0.041644   0.046854   0.052915
0.061239   0.067863   0.073653   0.079161
   0.015658   0.030140   0.034210   0.045213   0.052253   0.060553
0.069365   0.078562   0.086291   0.093605
   0.019656   0.028900   0.045464   0.047990   0.058807   0.066490
0.079297   0.088274   0.097667   0.108786
   0.022072   0.033146   0.047572   0.060943   0.070684   0.081349
0.092902   0.100911   0.115715   0.127048
   0.021898   0.030693   0.043972   0.058956   0.077249   0.084425
0.100613   0.111503   0.126935   0.141250
   0.021071   0.037299   0.050950   0.070723   0.081438   0.101516
0.114788   0.125197   0.141521   0.158815
   0.024811   0.036528   0.052532   0.073733   0.095367   0.101299
0.117457   0.132726   0.147585   0.165222
   0.024415   0.045528   0.062038   0.077777   0.094293   0.110504
0.127776   0.146341   0.163502   0.178777

with the new patch:

octave:3> tocs_oct1
tocs_oct1 =

   0.0074930   0.0093061   0.0101123   0.0059468   0.0067618
0.0073412   0.0095744   0.0111704   0.0155106   0.0155500
   0.0056431   0.0061924   0.0084282   0.0121774   0.0137026
0.0166219   0.0200053   0.0235966   0.0279384   0.0284500
   0.0060744   0.0084982   0.0126268   0.0165213   0.0221927
0.0273326   0.0332757   0.0390677   0.0434884   0.0455091
   0.0063169   0.0110016   0.0172338   0.0247400   0.0311880
0.0387136   0.0465136   0.0544024   0.0592641   0.0642496
   0.0066828   0.0141782   0.0221559   0.0309312   0.0406902
0.0501870   0.0602919   0.0492872   0.0548416   0.0618096
   0.0084610   0.0162350   0.0308314   0.0393550   0.0504898
0.0641784   0.0500531   0.0585372   0.0652503   0.0736086
   0.0105060   0.0235956   0.0373542   0.0465218   0.0594338
0.0500659   0.0609870   0.0713593   0.0790979   0.0899705
   0.0148870   0.0233453   0.0382854   0.0579996   0.0480443
0.0571550   0.0695515   0.0805356   0.0899501   0.1026436
   0.0159232   0.0315198   0.0468793   0.0580004   0.0528670
0.0641594   0.0777459   0.0901399   0.1043304   0.1173685
   0.0191256   0.0280614   0.0450657   0.0671604   0.0608538
0.0769042   0.0929764   0.1040684   0.1214832   0.1341881

using Matlab 2007a:

octave:4> tocs_matlab
tocs_matlab =

   0.0062376   0.0139384   0.0180750   0.0221970   0.0220130
0.0257478   0.0305874   0.0344506   0.0383642   0.0428446
   0.0109510   0.0266958   0.0351854   0.0458640   0.0620206
0.0698450   0.0828816   0.0961360   0.1055158   0.1111318
   0.0134432   0.0272864   0.0418616   0.0544420   0.0615062
0.0739450   0.0873426   0.0982644   0.1111086   0.1225830
   0.0184896   0.0378428   0.0543014   0.0658802   0.0816770
0.0981762   0.1139014   0.1303218   0.1464620   0.1628398
   0.0219104   0.0428282   0.0660560   0.0862450   0.1027792
0.1222084   0.1425500   0.1629794   0.1833898   0.2025316
   0.0265670   0.0535164   0.0782622   0.0981846   0.1218348
0.1462216   0.1700228   0.1945714   0.2187592   0.2437806
   0.0340150   0.0575714   0.0851972   0.1174214   0.1405062
0.1686618   0.1965610   0.2246892   0.2526790   0.2803052
   0.0348728   0.0733926   0.1020340   0.1292908   0.1611636
0.1934834   0.2251806   0.2569800   0.2883594   0.3213730
   0.0423292   0.0779326   0.1099018   0.1503224   0.1818022
0.2175340   0.2541414   0.2897038   0.3259232   0.3611042
   0.0422816   0.0899742   0.1258612   0.1622720   0.2018848
0.2427072   0.2823120   0.3228700   0.3632112   0.4034948

you can see that this is actually slower in most cases than Octave
(even with the previous implementation).

The speed-ups (in %) of the new code compared to the old one (more is
better, 0 is no speed-up)

octave:5> 100 * (tocs_oct0 ./ tocs_oct1 - 1)
ans =

    71.410    45.645    65.257   276.671   245.425   264.099   215.913
  200.206   137.462   159.501
   279.935   377.184   372.942   252.378   239.414   164.228   150.863
  134.938   117.508   127.072
   131.090   159.694   160.428   152.063   111.125    93.595    84.036
   73.706    69.362    73.946
   147.882   173.962    98.506    82.752    67.542    56.413    49.128
   44.409    45.604    45.689
   194.121   103.835   105.200    55.150    44.523    32.485    31.522
   79.101    78.090    76.002
   160.868   104.162    54.297    54.854    39.997    26.754    85.606
   72.388    77.340    72.599
   108.435    30.080    17.717    26.727    29.975    68.627    64.974
   56.256    60.479    56.995
    41.537    59.772    33.078    21.937    69.506    77.616    65.040
   55.455    57.333    54.725
    55.819    15.888    12.059    27.125    80.391    57.886    51.079
   47.244    41.459    40.772
    27.655    62.245    37.662    15.809    54.951    43.691    37.429
   40.620    34.589    33.229

apparently (and according to expectations), the small kernels are the
most affected ones.
I think 8x8 is unnecessarily high (generates 64 functions), I'll
probably reduce that to 7x5 or something like that.

For comparison, speed-ups compared to Matlab:

ans =

   -16.755    49.776    78.742   273.261   225.548   250.730   219.470
  208.410   147.342   175.528
    94.059   331.103   317.473   276.633   352.618   320.198   314.298
  307.414   277.673   290.621
   121.310   221.083   231.530   229.527   177.146   170.538   162.481
  151.523   155.490   169.359
   192.703   243.976   215.087   166.290   161.886   153.596   144.878
  139.552   147.134   153.449
   227.861   202.071   198.142   178.828   152.589   143.506   136.433
  230.673   234.399   227.670
   213.994   229.637   153.839   149.484   141.306   127.836   239.685
  232.389   235.262   231.185
   223.769   143.992   128.079   152.401   136.408   236.879   222.300
  214.870   219.451   211.552
   134.249   214.378   166.509   122.917   235.448   238.524   223.761
  219.089   220.577   213.096
   165.833   147.250   134.435   159.175   243.886   239.052   226.887
  221.394   212.395   207.667
   121.073   220.633   179.284   141.619   231.754   215.597   203.638
  210.248   198.981   200.693

hmmm. Maybe there were some improvements in Matlab since?

There are still a few gotchas:

First, only the "full" convolution is treated directly, the other
cases are extracted from it. I can try to add direct code for the
"valid" case in the future.

Also, quoting the sources:

// FIXME: Only the axpy-form accumulation is used. This is natural for outer
// convolution as it requires no boundary treatment.
// This typically requires one more memory store per operation, but as the
// memory access pattern is equivalent (switching ro and rw parts), I wouldn't
// expect a significant difference. cf. for instance sum(), where row-wise sum
// (axpy-based) is no slower than column-wise (dot-based).
// It would be nice, however, if the inner convolution was computed directly by
// dot-based accumulation.

Looking at the assembler code generated for oct-convn.cc, I would
expect the inner loops to be vectorized, but it doesn't appear so -
they're only unrolled. This is a bit of surprise to me because with
newer gcc -ftree-vectorize is on with -03. I googled a little and
found that aliasing might be the issue, but adding __restrict__
doesn't seem to help. One more thing to figure out.


RNDr. Jaroslav Hajek, PhD
computing expert & GNU Octave developer
Aeronautical Research and Test Institute (VZLU)
Prague, Czech Republic
url: www.highegg.matfyz.cz

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