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trouble with refreshdata?

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: trouble with refreshdata?
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 15:18:33 -0400

On 22-Mar-2010, Ben Abbott wrote:

| I have a rather recent build. I tried running the refreshdata demo, but ...
| demo refreshdata
| refreshdata example 1:
|  x = 0:0.1:10;
|  y = sin (x);
|  plot (x, y, "ydatasource", "y");
|  for i = 1 : 100
|    pause(0.1)
|    y = sin (x + 0.1 * i);
|    refreshdata(gcf(), "caller");
|  endfor
| refreshdata example 1: failed
| cell2mat: elements must be numeric, char or logical
| Is anyone else seeing this?
| The error occurs at line 85.
|  79   for i = 1 : numel (h)
|  80     obj = get (h (i));
|  81     fldnames = fieldnames (obj);
|  82     m = regexpi (fieldnames(obj), "^.+datasource$", "match");
|  83     idx = cellfun (@(x) !isempty(x), m);
|  84     if (any (idx))
|  85       props = [props; {cell2mat(m(idx))}];
|  86       objs  = [objs ; h(i)];
|  87     endif
|  88   endfor
| Ben

Yes, I can duplicate this problem, but I don't knwo what the proper
solution is as I don't really understand what this code is trying to

Can you identify what changed so that this is now failing?  Unless the
change was intentional, then maybe that is the real bug.


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