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Re: Undocumented internal function

From: Søren Hauberg
Subject: Re: Undocumented internal function
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2010 21:11:32 +0200

ons, 01 09 2010 kl. 12:48 -0500, skrev Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso:
> This attitude is disrespectful to users. Treat all of your users as
> potential developers and peers, not as a flock of sheep that needs to
> be herded.

The thing is, an internal function is not something that is meant to be
used. Most (all??) internal functions has a corresponding "public" (in
lack of a better word) function that is actually meant to be used.

In C++ you have 'public' and 'private' functions in classes. This is
essentially to ensure that the user of a class don't mess around with
things that shouldn't be messed with. Do you consider it disrespectful
to users to use the 'private' keyword in C++? :-)


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