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fntests results on Octave-3.3.54+ on MinGW

From: Tatsuro MATSUOKA
Subject: fntests results on Octave-3.3.54+ on MinGW
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 06:43:49 +0900 (JST)


Apart from the issue of datevec("03/13/1962"), fntests on Octave-3.3.54+ on 
MinGW seemed to be not sa

Integrated test scripts:

  c:\usr\Tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\hg\octave-work\src/DLD-FUNCTIONS\chol.cc  PASS
  22/26   FAIL 4
  c:\usr\Tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\hg\octave-work\src\data.cc  PASS  591/595  
  c:\usr\Tatsu\mingwhome\octaves\hg\octave-work\scripts/general\quadgk.m  PASS
 11/12   FAIL 1

Fixed test scripts:

  test_system.m .......................................... PASS   81/84   FAIL 3


  PASS   4954
  FAIL     12

There was 1 expected failure (see fntests.log for details).

Expected failures are known bugs.  Please help improve Octave
by contributing fixes for them.

There were 11 skipped tests (see fntests.log for details).
Skipped tests are features that are disabled in this version of Octave
because the needed libraries were not present when Octave was built.

595 (of 887) .m files have no tests.

77 (of 142) .cc files have no tests.

#chol.cc  PASS  22/26   FAIL 4

  ***** test
 R = chol(Ac);
 R1 = cholupdate(R,uc);
 assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
 assert(norm(R1'*R1 - R'*R - uc*uc',Inf) < 1e1*eps)
 R1 = cholupdate(R1,uc,"-");
 assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
 assert(norm(R1 - R,Inf) < 1e1*eps)
!!!!! test failed
cholupdate: downdate violates positiveness
shared variables {
  A =

     0.436997  -0.131721   0.124120  -0.061673
    -0.131721   0.738529   0.019851  -0.140295
     0.124120   0.019851   0.354879  -0.059472
    -0.061673  -0.140295  -0.059472   0.600939

  u =


  Ac =

   Columns 1 through 3:

     0.55855 + 0.00000i  -0.16621 - 0.03153i   0.01079 + 0.02364i
    -0.16621 + 0.03153i   0.67601 + 0.00000i   0.00115 - 0.04755i
     0.01079 - 0.02364i   0.00115 + 0.04755i   0.62631 + 0.00000i
    -0.02768 + 0.01861i   0.01460 - 0.02476i  -0.15858 + 0.07198i

   Column 4:

    -0.02768 - 0.01861i
     0.01460 + 0.02476i
    -0.15858 - 0.07198i
     0.60342 + 0.00000i

  uc =

     0.54267 + 0.91519i
     0.99647 + 0.43141i
     0.83760 + 0.68977i
     0.39160 + 0.90378i

  ***** test
 u2 = [  0.35080  + 0.04298i;
         0.63930  + 0.23778i;
         3.31057  + 0.00000i;
        -0.13825  + 0.19879i;
         0.45266  + 0.50020i];

 R = chol(Ac);
 j = 3; p = [1:j-1, j+1:5];
 R1 = cholinsert(R,j,u2); A1 = R1'*R1;
 assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
 assert(norm(A1(p,p) - Ac,Inf) < 1e1*eps)
!!!!! test failed
assert (norm (A1 (p, p) - Ac, Inf) < 1e1 * eps) failed
shared variables {
  A =

     0.436997  -0.131721   0.124120  -0.061673
    -0.131721   0.738529   0.019851  -0.140295
     0.124120   0.019851   0.354879  -0.059472
    -0.061673  -0.140295  -0.059472   0.600939

  u =


  Ac =

   Columns 1 through 3:

     0.55855 + 0.00000i  -0.16621 - 0.03153i   0.01079 + 0.02364i
    -0.16621 + 0.03153i   0.67601 + 0.00000i   0.00115 - 0.04755i
     0.01079 - 0.02364i   0.00115 + 0.04755i   0.62631 + 0.00000i
    -0.02768 + 0.01861i   0.01460 - 0.02476i  -0.15858 + 0.07198i

   Column 4:

    -0.02768 - 0.01861i
     0.01460 + 0.02476i
    -0.15858 - 0.07198i
     0.60342 + 0.00000i

  uc =

     0.54267 + 0.91519i
     0.99647 + 0.43141i
     0.83760 + 0.68977i
     0.39160 + 0.90378i

  ***** test
 R = chol(Ac);
 j = 3; p = [1:j-1,j+1:4];
 R1 = choldelete(R,j);
 assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
 assert(norm(R1'*R1 - Ac(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
!!!!! test failed
assert (norm (R1' * R1 - Ac (p, p), Inf) < 1e1 * eps) failed
shared variables {
  A =

     0.436997  -0.131721   0.124120  -0.061673
    -0.131721   0.738529   0.019851  -0.140295
     0.124120   0.019851   0.354879  -0.059472
    -0.061673  -0.140295  -0.059472   0.600939

  u =


  Ac =

   Columns 1 through 3:

     0.55855 + 0.00000i  -0.16621 - 0.03153i   0.01079 + 0.02364i
    -0.16621 + 0.03153i   0.67601 + 0.00000i   0.00115 - 0.04755i
     0.01079 - 0.02364i   0.00115 + 0.04755i   0.62631 + 0.00000i
    -0.02768 + 0.01861i   0.01460 - 0.02476i  -0.15858 + 0.07198i

   Column 4:

    -0.02768 - 0.01861i
     0.01460 + 0.02476i
    -0.15858 - 0.07198i
     0.60342 + 0.00000i

  uc =

     0.54267 + 0.91519i
     0.99647 + 0.43141i
     0.83760 + 0.68977i
     0.39160 + 0.90378i

  ***** test
 R = chol(Ac);
 i = 1; j = 3; p = [1:i-1, shift(i:j,-1), j+1:4];
 R1 = cholshift(R,i,j);
 assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
 assert(norm(R1'*R1 - Ac(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
 j = 1; i = 3; p = [1:j-1, shift(j:i,+1), i+1:4];
 R1 = cholshift(R,i,j);
 assert(norm(triu(R1)-R1,Inf) == 0)
 assert(norm(R1'*R1 - Ac(p,p),Inf) < 1e1*eps)
!!!!! test failed
assert (norm (R1' * R1 - Ac (p, p), Inf) < 1e1 * eps) failed
shared variables {
  A =

     0.436997  -0.131721   0.124120  -0.061673
    -0.131721   0.738529   0.019851  -0.140295
     0.124120   0.019851   0.354879  -0.059472
    -0.061673  -0.140295  -0.059472   0.600939

  u =


  Ac =

   Columns 1 through 3:

     0.55855 + 0.00000i  -0.16621 - 0.03153i   0.01079 + 0.02364i
    -0.16621 + 0.03153i   0.67601 + 0.00000i   0.00115 - 0.04755i
     0.01079 - 0.02364i   0.00115 + 0.04755i   0.62631 + 0.00000i
    -0.02768 + 0.01861i   0.01460 - 0.02476i  -0.15858 + 0.07198i

   Column 4:

    -0.02768 - 0.01861i
     0.01460 + 0.02476i
    -0.15858 - 0.07198i
     0.60342 + 0.00000i

  uc =

     0.54267 + 0.91519i
     0.99647 + 0.43141i
     0.83760 + 0.68977i
     0.39160 + 0.90378i


#  data.cc  PASS  591/595  FAIL 4
 [f, e] = log2 ([0,-1; 2,-4; Inf,-Inf]);
 assert (f, [0,-0.5; 0.5,-0.5; Inf,-Inf]);
 assert (e(1:2,:), [0,1;2,3])
!!!!! test failed
assert (f,[0, -0.5; 0.5, -0.5; Inf, -Inf]) expected
   0.00000  -0.50000
   0.50000  -0.50000
       Inf      -Inf
but got
   0.00000  -0.50000
   0.50000  -0.50000
       NaN       NaN
NaNs don't match
  ***** test
 [f, e] = log2 (complex (zeros (3, 2), [0,-1; 2,-4; Inf,-Inf]));
 assert (f, complex (zeros (3, 2), [0,-0.5; 0.5,-0.5; Inf,-Inf]));
 assert (e(1:2,:), [0,1; 2,3]);
!!!!! test failed
assert (f,complex (zeros (3, 2), [0, -0.5; 0.5, -0.5; Inf, -Inf])) expected
   0.00000 + 0.00000i   0.00000 - 0.50000i
   0.00000 + 0.50000i   0.00000 - 0.50000i
   0.00000 +     Infi   0.00000 -     Infi
but got
   0.00000 + 0.00000i   0.00000 - 0.50000i
   0.00000 + 0.50000i   0.00000 - 0.50000i
       NaN -     NaNi       NaN -     NaNi
NaNs don't match
  ***** assert (mod (2.1, 0.1), 0)
!!!!! test failed
assert (mod (2.1, 0.1),0) expected
but got
values do not match
  ***** test
 [v, i] = sort ([NaN, 1i, -1, Inf, 1, 1i]);
 assert (v, [1, 1i, 1i, -1, Inf, NaN])
 assert (i, [5, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1])
!!!!! test failed
assert (i,[5, 2, 6, 3, 4, 1]) expected
   5   2   6   3   4   1
but got
   5   6   2   3   4   1
values do not match
shared variables {
  m2 =

     1   2
     3   4

  flo = 0
  fhi = Inf
quadgk.m  PASS 11/12   FAIL 1
  ***** assert (quadgk (@(z) log (z), 1+1i, 1+1i, 'WayPoints', [1-1i, -1,-1i, 
-1+1i]), -pi * 1i, 1e-6)
!!!!! test failed
max_recursion_depth exceeded

#  test_system.m .......................................... PASS   81/84   FAIL 

 string_fill_char = setstr (0);
 assert((fnmatch ("a*a", {"aba"; "xxxba"; "aa"}) == [1; 0; 1]
 && fnmatch ({"a*a"; "b*b"}, "bob")
 && fnmatch ("x[0-5]*", {"x1"; "x6"}) == [1; 0]
 && fnmatch ("x[0-5]*", {"x1"; "x6"; "x001"}) == [1; 0; 1]
 && fnmatch ("x???y", {"xabcy"; "xy"}) == [1; 0]));
!!!!! test failed
`fnmatch' undefined near line 4 column 10
  ***** error <Invalid call to fnmatch.*> fnmatch ();
!!!!! expected <Invalid call to fnmatch.*> but got `fnmatch' undefined near 
line 2 column 2

  ***** error <Invalid call to fnmatch.*> fnmatch ("foo", "bar", 3);
!!!!! expected <Invalid call to fnmatch.*> but got `fnmatch' undefined near 
line 2 column 2

  ***** testif HAVE_GETPWUID
 x = getpwuid (getuid ());
 assert((strcmp (x.dir, tilde_expand ("~"))
 && strcmp (x.dir, tilde_expand (sprintf ("~%s", x.name)))
 && strcmp ("foobar", tilde_expand ("foobar"))));
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_GETPGRP
 assert(getpgrp () > 0);
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_GETPPID
 assert(getppid () > 0);
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_GETPWENT
 s = getpwent ();
 endpwent (); 
 assert((isstruct (s)
 && isfield (s, "name")
 && isfield (s, "passwd")
 && isfield (s, "uid")
 && isfield (s, "gid")
 && isfield (s, "gecos")
 && isfield (s, "dir")
 && isfield (s, "shell")));
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_GETPWUID
 x = getpwent ();
 y = getpwuid (x.uid);
 endpwent (); 
 assert(strcmp (x.name, y.name) && x.uid == y.uid && x.gid == y.gid);
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_GETPWNAM
 x = getpwent ();
 y = getpwnam (x.name);
 endpwent (); 
 assert(strcmp (x.name, y.name) && x.uid == y.uid && x.gid == y.gid);
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_SETPWENT
 x = getpwent ();
 setpwent ();
 y = getpwent ();
 endpwent (); 
 assert(strcmp (x.name, y.name) && x.uid == y.uid && x.gid == y.gid);
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_GETGRENT
 x = getgrent ();
 endgrent ();
 assert((isstruct (x)
 && isfield (x, "name")
 && isfield (x, "passwd")
 && isfield (x, "gid")
 && isfield (x, "mem")));
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_GETGRGID
 x = getgrent ();
 y = getgrgid (x.gid);
 endgrent ();
 assert(strcmp (x.name, y.name) && x.gid == y.gid);
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_GETGRNAM
 x = getgrent ();
 y = getgrnam (x.name);
 endgrent ();
 assert(strcmp (x.name, y.name) && x.gid == y.gid);
----- skipped test

  ***** testif HAVE_SETGRENT
 x = getgrent ();
 setgrent ();
 y = getgrent ();
 endgrent ();
 assert(strcmp (x.name, y.name) && x.gid == y.gid);
----- skipped test




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