## Copyright (C) 1995-2011 John W. Eaton ## ## This file is part of Octave. ## ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ## your option) any later version. ## ## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see ## . ## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} subplot (@var{rows}, @var{cols}, @var{index}) ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} subplot (@var{rcn}) ## Set up a plot grid with @var{rows} by @var{cols} subwindows and plot ## in location given by @var{index}. ## ## If only one argument is supplied, then it must be a three digit value ## specifying the location in digits 1 (rows) and 2 (columns) and the plot ## index in digit 3. ## ## The plot index runs row-wise. First all the columns in a row are filled ## and then the next row is filled. ## ## For example, a plot with 2 by 3 grid will have plot indices running as ## follows: ## @tex ## \vskip 10pt ## \hfil\vbox{\offinterlineskip\hrule ## \halign{\vrule#&&\qquad\hfil#\hfil\qquad\vrule\cr ## height13pt&1&2&3\cr height12pt&&&\cr\noalign{\hrule} ## height13pt&4&5&6\cr height12pt&&&\cr\noalign{\hrule}}} ## \hfil ## \vskip 10pt ## @end tex ## @ifnottex ## ## @example ## @group ## +-----+-----+-----+ ## | 1 | 2 | 3 | ## +-----+-----+-----+ ## | 4 | 5 | 6 | ## +-----+-----+-----+ ## @end group ## @end example ## ## @var{index} may be a vector. In which case, the new axis will enclose ## the grid locations specified. The first demo illustrates an example. ## ## @example ## @code{demo ("subplot", 1)} ## @end example ## ## @end ifnottex ## @seealso{axes, plot} ## @end deftypefn ## Author: Vinayak Dutt ## Adapted-By: jwe function h = subplot (rows, cols, index, varargin) align_axes = false; replace_axes = false; if (! (nargin >= 3) && nargin != 1) print_usage (); elseif (nargin > 3) for n = 1:numel(varargin) switch lower(varargin{n}) case "align" align_axes = true; case "replace" replace_axes = true; otherwise print_usage (); endswitch endfor endif if (nargin == 1) if (! (isscalar (rows) && rows >= 0)) error ("subplot: input RCN has to be a positive scalar"); endif tmp = rows; index = rem (tmp, 10); tmp = (tmp - index) / 10; cols = rem (tmp, 10); tmp = (tmp - cols) / 10; rows = rem (tmp, 10); elseif (! (isscalar (cols) && isscalar (rows))) error ("subplot: COLS, and ROWS must be scalars"); elseif (any (index < 1) || any (index > rows*cols)) error ("subplot: INDEX value must be greater than 1 and less than ROWS*COLS"); endif cols = round (cols); rows = round (rows); index = round (index); if (index > cols*rows) error ("subplot: INDEX must be less than COLS*ROWS"); endif if (cols < 1 || rows < 1 || index < 1) error ("subplot: COLS,ROWS,INDEX must be be positive"); endif axesunits = get (0, "defaultaxesunits"); cf = gcf (); figureunits = get (cf, "units"); unwind_protect units = "normalized"; set (0, "defaultaxesunits", units); set (cf, "units", "pixels"); if (align_axes) pos = subplot_position (rows, cols, index, "position"); elseif (strcmp (get (cf, "__graphics_toolkit__"), "gnuplot")) pos = subplot_position (rows, cols, index, "outerposition"); else pos = subplot_position (rows, cols, index, "outerpositiontiled"); endif set (cf, "nextplot", "add"); found = false; kids = get (cf, "children"); for child = reshape (kids, 1, numel (kids)) ## Check whether this child is still valid; this might not be the ## case anymore due to the deletion of previous children (due to ## "deletefcn" callback or for legends/colorbars that are deleted ## with their corresponding axes). if (! ishandle (child)) continue; endif if (strcmp (get (child, "type"), "axes")) ## Skip legend and colorbar objects. if (strcmp (get (child, "tag"), "legend") || strcmp (get (child, "tag"), "colorbar")) continue; endif if (align_axes) objpos = get (child, "position"); else objpos = get (child, "outerposition"); endif if (all (objpos == pos) && ! replace_axes) ## If the new axes are in exactly the same position as an ## existing axes object, use the existing axes. found = true; tmp = child; else ## If the new axes overlap an old axes object, delete the old ## axes. x0 = pos(1); x1 = x0 + pos(3); y0 = pos(2); y1 = y0 + pos(4); objx0 = objpos(1); objx1 = objx0 + objpos(3); objy0 = objpos(2); objy1 = objy0 + objpos(4); if (! (x0 >= objx1 || x1 <= objx0 || y0 >= objy1 || y1 <= objy0)) delete (child); endif endif endif endfor if (found) set (cf, "currentaxes", tmp); elseif (align_axes) tmp = axes ("box", "off", "position", pos); elseif (strcmp (get (cf, "__graphics_toolkit__"), "gnuplot")) tmp = axes ("box", "off", "outerposition", pos); else tmp = axes ("looseinset", [0 0 0 0], "box", "off", "outerposition", pos); addlistener (tmp, "tightinset", address@hidden, cf}, "persistent"); endif unwind_protect_cleanup set (0, "defaultaxesunits", axesunits); set (cf, "units", figureunits); end_unwind_protect if (nargout > 0) h = tmp; endif endfunction function pos = subplot_position (rows, cols, index, position_property) if (rows == 1 && cols == 1) ## Trivial result for subplot (1,1,1) if (strcmpi (position_property, "position")) pos = get (0, "defaultaxesposition"); else pos = get (0, "defaultaxesouterposition"); endif return endif if (strcmp (position_property, "outerpositiontiled")) margins.left = 0.05; margins.bottom = 0.05; margins.right = 0.05; margins.top = 0.05; margins.column = 0.04 / cols; margins.row = 0.04 / rows; width = 1 - margins.left - margins.right - (cols-1)*margins.column; width = width / cols; height = 1 - margins.top - margins.bottom - (rows-1)*margins.row; height = height / rows; else defaultaxesposition = get (0, "defaultaxesposition"); ## The outer margins surrounding all subplot "positions" are independent ## of the number of rows and/or columns margins.left = defaultaxesposition(1); margins.bottom = defaultaxesposition(2); margins.right = 1.0 - margins.left - defaultaxesposition(3); margins.top = 1.0 - margins.bottom - defaultaxesposition(4); ## Fit from Matlab experiments pc = 1 ./ [0.1860, (margins.left + margins.right - 1)]; margins.column = 1 ./ polyval (pc , cols); pr = 1 ./ [0.2282, (margins.top + margins.bottom - 1)]; margins.row = 1 ./ polyval (pr , rows); ## Calculate the width/height of the subplot axes "position". ## This is also consistent with Matlab width = 1 - margins.left - margins.right - (cols-1)*margins.column; width = width / cols; height = 1 - margins.top - margins.bottom - (rows-1)*margins.row; height = height / rows; if (strcmp (position_property, "outerposition") ) ## Calculate the inset of the position relative to the outerposition ## The outerpositions are assumed to be tiled. Matlab's ## implementation has outerposition overlap. if (rows > 1) ## Title on top and xlabel & xticks on bottom inset.top = margins.row * (1/3); inset.bottom = margins.row * (2/3); ## Matlab behavior is approximately ... % inset.bottom = margins.row; else inset.bottom = margins.bottom; inset.top = margins.top; endif if (cols > 1) ## ylabel & yticks on left and some overhang for xticks on right x = 0.1; inset.right = x * margins.column; inset.left = (1 - x) * margins.column; else inset.left = margins.left; inset.right = margins.right; endif ## Apply the inset to the geometries for the "position" property. margins.column = margins.column - inset.right - inset.left; margins.row = margins.row - inset.top - inset.bottom; width = width + inset.right + inset.left; height = height + inset.top + inset.bottom; endif endif ## Index offsets from the lower left subplot yi = fix ((index(:)-1)/cols); xi = index(:) - yi*cols - 1; yi = (rows - 1) - yi; ## Lower left corner of the subplot, i.e. position(1:2) x0 = xi .* (width + margins.column) + margins.left; y0 = yi .* (height + margins.row) + margins.bottom; if (strcmp (position_property, "outerposition") ) ## Shift from position(1:2) to outerposition(1:2) x0 = x0 - inset.left; y0 = y0 - inset.bottom; endif if (numel(x0) > 1) ## subplot (row, col, m:n) x1 = max (x0(:)) + width; y1 = max (y0(:)) + height; x0 = min (x0(:)); y0 = min (y0(:)); pos = [x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0]; else ## subplot (row, col, num) pos = [x0, y0, width, height]; endif endfunction %!demo %! clf %! r = 3; %! c = 3; %! fmt = {'horizontalalignment', 'center', 'verticalalignment', 'middle'}; %! for n = 1:(r*c) %! subplot (r, c, n) %! xlabel (sprintf ("xlabel #%d", n)) %! ylabel (sprintf ("ylabel #%d", n)) %! title (sprintf ("title #%d", n)) %! text (0.5, 0.5, sprintf('subplot(%d,%d,%d)', r, c, n), fmt{:}) %! axis ([0 1 0 1]) %! endfor %! subplot (r, c, 1:3) %! xlabel (sprintf ("xlabel #%d:%d", 1, 3)) %! ylabel (sprintf ("ylabel #%d:%d", 1, 3)) %! title (sprintf ("title #%d:%d", 1, 3)) %! text (0.5, 0.5, sprintf('subplot(%d,%d,%d:%d)', r, c, 1, 3), fmt{:}) %! axis ([0 1 0 1]) %!demo %! clf %! x = 0:1; %! for n = 1:4 %! subplot (2, 2, n, "align") %! plot (x, x) %! xlabel (sprintf ("xlabel (2,2,%d)", n)) %! ylabel (sprintf ("ylabel (2,2,%d)", n)) %! title (sprintf ("title (2,2,%d)", n)) %! endfor %! subplot (1, 2, 1, "align") %! plot (x, x) %! xlabel ("xlabel (1,2,1)") %! ylabel ("ylabel (1,2,1)") %! title ("title (1,2,1)")