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Re: OT: negative zeros with ATLAS 3.8.4.x

From: Marco Caliari
Subject: Re: OT: negative zeros with ATLAS 3.8.4.x
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:16:54 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 1.00 (DEB 882 2007-12-20)

On Mon, 11 Apr 2011, John W. Eaton wrote:

On 11-Apr-2011, Marco Caliari wrote:

| Dear maintainers,
| the following code
| clear all
| m = 45;
| y = linspace(0,1,m+1)';
| y = y(1:m);
| F = [0:m-1].'*2*pi*y.';
| F(:,1)
| produces some strange negative zeros (in random positions) with Octave
| 3.4.0 and ATLAS 3.8.4.x (x=1 or x=2, Core232SSE3), whereas everything is
| fine with ATLAS 3.8.3. So, I suspect a bug in ATLAS (uninitialized
| values?). Maybe someone is able to write a neat C code to submit to ATLAS
| developers and/or to check that there is surely no fault in Octave.

Can you try to make the expression a little simpler?

Do you get the same result for

 m = 45;
 y = linspace(0,1,m+1);
 y = y(1:m);
 F = [0:m-1].'*2*pi*y;

?  What about

 m = 45;
 y = linspace(0,1,m+1);
 y = y(1:m);
 t = (0:m-1)'*2*pi;
 F = t*y;

?  Or

 m = 45;
 y = linspace(0,1,m+1);
 y = y(1:m);
 t = (0:m-1)';
 F = t*y;

Even simpler:

clear all
m = 45;
y = (0:m-1);
t = (0:m-1)';
F = t*y;

I observe *almost* always two negative zeros (last and third-last
position). But with the following Fortran code

      program test
      implicit none
      integer i
      double precision a(45,1),b(1,45),c(45,45)
      do i = 1,45
         a(i,1) = (i-1) * 1.0d0
         b(1,i) = (i-1) * 1.0d0
      call dgemm('N','N',45,45,1,1.0d0,a,45,b,1,0.0d0,c,45)
      do i = 1,45
         write(6,*) c(i,1)

(linked to the threaded ATLAS libraries and with the same compiler options I used to build Octave) I don't see negative zeros.


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