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Re: Successfully merged projects

From: Jacob Dawid
Subject: Re: Successfully merged projects
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 12:47:44 +0200

And then what? Maintaining a Quint+QScintilla project in parallel?
That's not how I envision taking part to a project.

If you are right, I will pull your changes and merge them into Quint.

You'll never know if you dont' try. You're not in a situation like you need
to make a release tomorrow, are you? Maybe you should take time to
make the right design decisions first.

I would not use the word "right decision" here, because it is not clear what's the right decision. Personally I believe it's the right thing to do it the way it's done know, but it's not like there is no room for other beliefs.

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Step 1. Build it.
Step 2. Pray.

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