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Re: 3.6.1 produces eps files that are unusable on Debian wheezy

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: 3.6.1 produces eps files that are unusable on Debian wheezy
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 12:13:47 -0600
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On 03/02/2012 07:23 AM, Mike Miller wrote:
I've been unable to display or convert eps files produced by print (to
gnuplot) with 3.6.1 on my Debian testing (wheezy) system, same result
on dev branch.  If I take these files to an older RHEL5 system, files
display fine.  This is most likely a problem with something else on my
system, but I'm trying to understand the difference so I know where to
look next.

I've put some time into comparing the results with different versions
of Octave and Ghostscript.  By diffing and manually editing the
intermediate files I'm pretty sure I've narrowed the problem down to
the font description for the plot axis tickmarks.

Octave 3.2.4 passes commands like the following to gnuplot:

     set xtics border in scale  1.4 mirror  font ",12";

which gnuplot turns into this snippet in the resulting eps file:

     [ [(Helvetica) 120.0 0.0 true true 0 (0.5)]

Octave 3.6.1 and dev both do the following instead:

     set xtics border in scale  1.4 mirror  font "{},20";

which passes through gnuplot into the eps file as:

     [ [({}) 200.0 0.0 true true 0 (0.5)]

Is this correct so far?  What is the meaning of the "{}" in a font
declaration like this?  At which stage is it supposed to be
interpreted into a valid font?  I'm not a PostScript expert, is this
supposed to be valid PostScript and there's a problem with my versions
of gs and evince?

Every program available on Debian fails to render the eps files with
"{}", for example gs 9.05 fails with "Error: /limitcheck in
/findfont".  However, as I said at the start, if I move the files to
RHEL5 with gs 8.15.2, no problem.  Or if I replace the {} with
Helvetica, no problem.

Any insight or tips on where to look next?

I just looked up the code for gnuplot. If the font name consists of only ' ' or '-' gnuplot will use the current default font name. So '{}' has no meaning as far as gnuplot is concerned other than it is expected to be some valid font name to the PostScript interpreter.

Therefore, Octave shouldn't be sending a '{}'. My guess is that in updating the Octave code, perhaps cells of strings are now used and maybe the '{}' is coming about because of an empty cell. Perhaps a conditional test was forgotten on an empty cell. Just a guess.

I'm using a slightly older version of Octave, but the lines that deal with font are in __go_draw_axes__.m.

function fontspec = create_fontspec (f, s, gp_term)
  if (strcmp (f, "*"))
    fontspec = sprintf ("font \",%d\"", s);
    fontspec = sprintf ("font \"%s,%d\"", f, s);

As I say, I'm out of date, but I assume that hunk of code is still in the latest version somewhere.

I went to the latest code and browsed for how things are set up now. Here appears to be the hunk of code that constructs the string specification that ends up going to gnuplot:

opts_str = sprintf ("%s font \"%s,%d\"", opts_str,
    get (0, "defaultaxesfontname"),
    get (0, "defaultaxesfontsize") / 1.5);

Apparently plot '0' represents default. On your system, please check at the Octave command line:

get (0, "defaultaxesfontname")
get (0, "defaultaxesfontsize")

I would guess that you should see '*' or a string of some font name. If otherwise, please let us know what you see. If there are errors, simply do

get (0)

and browse the entries for something pertinent.


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