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Channel logs Re:GSoC rejection

From: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
Subject: Channel logs Re:GSoC rejection
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:16:33 -0400

Hi, Juan Pablo Carbajal (KaKila) and I were in #gsoc in Freenode to
ask about our rejection. It seems that due to space issues, they
prefer we work under GNU. So, let us not lose heart, and still welcome
students through GNU.

Slightly edited channel logs follow (I only removed the
parts/joins/nick changes).

- Jordi G. H.


<Octave|JordiGH> :-)
<carols> hi octave folks
<Octave|KaKila> Hi there
<Octave|JordiGH> Our lead dev isn't here. He's got family business.
<Octave|JordiGH> We'll show him the log later.
<carols> ah, ok. so i spoke to the gnu project folks and they said
they'd be able to take you on in an umbrella situation.
<carols> is that the case?
<carols> i hope so :-)
<Octave|JordiGH> Yeah, GNU and us are tight.
<Octave|JordiGH> Is that mostly the reason?
<carols> since we only had a certain number of slots, yes
<carols> we want you to be part of the gnu project umbrella
<Octave|JordiGH> Did our application look good otherwise? We might try
to declare independence again next year.
<carols> let me take a look
<carols> yes, i like your ideas page and how it's organized.
<carols> and i like the application.
<carols> we had a lot of space discussions this year for all of our orgs.
<carols> and this was one of the discussions where we didn't have room
for each individual org but still wanted to give you the opportunity
to mentor students.
<Octave|JordiGH> I see. So in the future, should we try again to
submit an application or keep working under GNU?
<carols> i think you can apply again individually next year with a
similarly strong application.
<carols> every year is a different organization juggling act.
<carols> this year it went to you all participating under gnu project,
next year who knows.
<Octave|JordiGH> There's one more thing. One of our former lead devs,
3rd guy historically most active, now works for Google. I should have
mentioned him in the part where a Googler vouches for us, right?
<carols> Octave|JordiGH: in your case it wouldn't have made much
difference with the googled vouching as this was a space issue, not a
matter of us not being sure about your organization as a whole.
<carols> googler, not googled
<carols> we use the vouching system for those orgs we don't know that well.
<carols> this was a case of us just having to make tough calls about numbers.
<carols> so i encourage you to try again next year.
<Octave|JordiGH> Alright. Now I take this a lot less personally than I
did when I first got the rejection notice. Kidding, I know it's not
personal, but R supposedly is also GNU and they're independent... I
know it's not really a competition, but... y'know... :-)
<carols> it's not a competition and it's not personal, i assure you.
<carols> every rejection breaks my heart every year.
<Octave|JordiGH> Okay, thanks. Octave|KaKila, want to add anything?
<Octave|KaKila> Octave|JordiGH: carols, no it is fine. Thank carols
for your time

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