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Confidence-interval for correlation

From: stn
Subject: Confidence-interval for correlation
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 09:09:16 +0200

Ooops, sorry, forgot edit the subject-line before posting. Please ignore the mail in "[OctDev] Getting rid of 3.4.0 dmg"


not sure it this belongs in octave-dev or octave-maintainers.

Some time ago I made a first attempt at expanding the corr()-function to calculate confidence-intervals.

Now I finally got around to make it work with the different possible sets of input-parameters. It will now handle column-vectors, matrices with the variables in the columns and different column-numbers in x and y.

The function will calculate the confidence interval if a scalar alpha in the range of 0 < alpha < 1 is given. Otherwise it skips the calculation of the interval.

I suggest that this function be included in octave or the statistics-package. For now I have named it corri(), with filename corri.m and function corri(). I guess it could replace the corr()-function. Unfortunately I have no matlab-access (and never used it either) so I do not know if there are any compatiblility-issues.

I will look into any concrete hints concerning that matter.

There is also a statistics-issue. The function uses n-3 for the degrees of freedom. That is in principle correct except if prior to the calculation additional parameters have been estimated. In that case IMO the number of additional parameters has to be subtracted from n-3 before calculation of the confidence interval. I am not sure if this is really an issue and how this should be handled.

Theoretically it should be possible to give alpha as a matrix with size(retval) but that seemed to be overstreching it a bit.

I have also edited the help-text and added some error-handling.

F() and consequently intervals cannot be calculated for r=-1 or r=1. I have handled this case by forcing the interval to zero. I hope I have not overlooked some constellation where this leads to wrong results.

There is a short explanation of the calculation of the interval and some formulas. The tex-part probably needs some minor editing. I only use octave on the commandline and never get to see any latex-output.

FMI: Where are the tex-parts used?

The results have been checked with the existing online-calculator at http://vassarstats.net/rho.html

Source is below. Please comment.


# ---- file corri.m , function and file can be renamed to corr() and corr.m --- #

## Copyright (C) 1996-2012 John W. Eaton
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {Function File} {[R , LB , UB]} = corri (@var{x} [,alpha])
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[R , LB , UB]} = corri (@var{x}, @var{y} [,alpha])

## Compute matrix of correlation coefficients.
## If alpha is given compute the confidence-interval of the correlation coefficients.
## Alpha must be a scalar in the range 0 < alpha < 1. The distribution of the correlation coefficients is first standardized with a fisher-transformation. The interval is computed by adding/subtracting the corresponding value of the inverted normal distribution. Finally the bounds are retransformed with the inverted fisher-transformation.

## If each row of @var{x} and @var{y} is an observation and each column is
## a variable, then the @w{(@var{i}, @var{j})-th} entry of
## @code{R = corri (@var{x}, @var{y})} is the correlation between the
## @var{i}-th variable in @var{x} and the @var{j}-th variable in @var{y}.
## R is the matrix of the correlation coefficients, LB and UB are the lower and upper bounds of the correlation-interval.
## @tex
## $$
## {\rm R  = corr}(x,y) = {{\rm cov}(x,y) \over {\rm std}(x) {\rm std}(y)}
## $$
## $$
## {\rm LB} = Finv ( F({\rm corr}(x,y)) - ( norminv(1-((1-ralpha)/2)) ./ sqrt(n-3) ) )
## $$
## $$
## {\rm UB} = Finv ( F({\rm corr}(x,y)) + ( norminv(1-((1-ralpha)/2)) ./ sqrt(n-3) ) )
## $$

## @end tex
## @ifnottex
## @example
## R  = corr (x,y) = cov (x,y) / (std (x) * std (y))
## LB = Finv ( F(corr(x,y)) - ( norminv(1-((1-ralpha)/2)) / sqrt(n-3) ) )
## UB = Finv ( F(corr(x,y)) + ( norminv(1-((1-ralpha)/2)) / sqrt(n-3) ) )

## @end example
## @end ifnottex
## If called with one vector or matrix, compute @code{corr (@var{x}, @var{x})},
## the correlation between the columns of @var{x}.

## @seealso{cov}
## @end deftypefn

## Author: Kurt Hornik <address@hidden>
## Created: March 1993
## Adapted-By: jwe
## Adapted-By: Stefan Neumann <address@hidden>
## May 2012 : added confidence intervals

function [ retval , lb , ub ] = corri (x, y, alpha = [])

  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 3)
    print_usage ();

  ## Input validation is done by cov.m.  Don't repeat tests here

  ## Special case, scalar is always 100% correlated with itself
  if (isscalar (x))
    if (isa (x, 'single'))
      retval = single (1);
      retval = 1;


  ## No check for division by zero error, which happens only when
  ## there is a constant vector and should be rare.

  ralpha = -999 ; # ralpha stores alpha from the function call. If it is still -999 after parsing the arguments the function call was invalid.

  # --- case 2: 2 matrices , no alpha --- #
  if (nargin == 2 && ! isscalar(y))

    c = cov (x, y);
    s = std (x)' * std (y);
    retval = c ./ s;
    ralpha = -999 ;  # -999 -> do not compute confidence-interval

  # --- case 3: 2 matrices plus alpha --- #
  if (nargin == 3 && isscalar(alpha))

    c = cov (x, y);
    s = std (x)' * std (y);
    retval = c ./ s;
    ralpha = alpha ;

  # --- case 4: 1 matrix plus alpha --- #
  if (nargin == 2 && isscalar(y))

    c = cov (x);
    s = sqrt (diag (c));
    retval = c ./ (s * s');
    ralpha = y ;

  # --- case 5: 1 matrix , no alpha --- #
  if (nargin == 1)

    c = cov (x);
    s = sqrt (diag (c));
    retval = c ./ (s * s');
    ralpha = -999 ;  # -999 -> do not compute confidence-interval

  if (ralpha!=-999 && (ralpha <= 0 || ralpha >=1))
    error "Error, alpha must be in the range of 0 < alpha < 1"
  if (ralpha!=-999 && !isscalar(ralpha))
    error "Error, alpha must be a scalar"

  # --- calculate the confidence interval --- #
  clear alpha
  if (ralpha != -999)
    # --- calculate interval only for -1<r<1, otherwise assume width=0 --- #
    bassume = ones(size(retval)) ;
    rint = retval ;
    bassume(rint <= -1) = 0 ;
    bassume(rint >=  1) = 0 ;
    rint(rint <= -1)  = 0 ;
    rint(rint >=  1)  = 0 ;

    Z      = F___(rint) ;

    # width of the the confidence-interval for Z
    n = rows(x) ;
    DZ     = norminv(1-((1-ralpha)/2)) ;

    DZ     = DZ ./ sqrt(n-3) ;
    # calculate lower and upper bound of interval, retransform to original distribution
    lb     = Z - DZ  ; lb = Finv___(lb) ; lb = bassume .* lb + (1-bassume) .* retval ;
    ub     = Z + DZ  ; ub = Finv___(ub) ; ub = bassume .* ub + (1-bassume) .* retval ;


# F(r) returns 0 for any r<-1 or r>1
function F___    = F___(r)      ; F___    = ((r>-1).*(r<=1))  .*  log( (1+r)./(1-r)  ) / 2 ; end

function Finv___ = Finv___(z)   ; Finv___ = ( ( exp(2*z) - 1 ) ./ ( exp(2*z) + 1 ) ) ; end

%! x = rand (10);
%! cc1 = corr (x);
%! cc2 = corr (x, x);
%! assert (size (cc1) == [10, 10] && size (cc2) == [10, 10]);
%! assert (cc1, cc2, sqrt (eps));

%! x = [1:3]';
%! y = [3:-1:1]';
%! assert (corr (x,y), -1, 5*eps)
%! assert (corr (x,flipud (y)), 1, 5*eps)
%! assert (corr ([x, y]), [1 -1; -1 1], 5*eps)

%! x = single ([1:3]');
%! y = single ([3:-1:1]');
%! assert (corr (x,y), single (-1), 5*eps)
%! assert (corr (x,flipud (y)), single (1), 5*eps)
%! assert (corr ([x, y]), single ([1 -1; -1 1]), 5*eps)

%!assert (corr (5), 1);
%!assert (corr (single(5)), single(1));

%% Test input validation
%!error corr ();
%!error corr (1, 2, 3);
%!error corr ([1; 2], ["A", "B"]);
%!error corr (ones (2,2,2));
%!error corr (ones (2,2), ones (2,2,2));

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