%Dotchart generator. %Author: Pablo Cremades %e-mail: address@hidden % %To do: % - It would be nice to remove the yaxis. Haven't found how to do that. % - Add title to graph and xaxis. function dotchart( data ) clf hold on [a,b] = hist (data(:), unique(data(:))); for j = 0: max (a) - 1 plot (b, ((a>j)*j )*0.028+0.01, "ob", "markersize", 15, "linewidth", 3); endfor box ("off") set (gca, "ytick", [0]) set (gca, "ylim", [0, max(b)*0.025]) set (gca, "fontname", "Helvetica", "fontsize", 18) set( gca, "linewidth", 2) hold off endfunction