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RE: ind2rgb problem

From: adam aitkenhead
Subject: RE: ind2rgb problem
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2013 05:59:08 +0000

> Are those XxYxZx3 images you get the output of imread()? Or are they
> built by your own in-house code? Because you should not have them
> being returned from any Octave function. We don't yet have a lot of
> documentation about this tipe of images but from Matlab's
> documentation[1]:
> "Multi-frame arrays are either m-by-n-by-1-by-p, for grayscale,
> binary, or indexed images, or m-by-n-by-3-by-p, for truecolor images,
> where p is the number of frames."

Yes, they were built by our own code, not imported from imread.  I see what you mean about the dimension order in the Matlab documentation, makes sense to go with that.  (Adding a permute into my own code before and after calling ind2rgb is a quick and easy way to let it work with our 3D images, so it's no big deal.)  I think ind2x will still need to allow a triplet third dimension for RGB images though?

> On a related note, I do have some ideas about a NDimage class which I
> hope to implement later though.

Will be interested to see that.  Might be able to help with testing if I can find some suitable images.


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