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Re: Octave-maintainers Digest, Vol 86, Issue 83

From: c.
Subject: Re: Octave-maintainers Digest, Vol 86, Issue 83
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 23:58:53 +0200

On 4 Jun 2013, at 23:45, Kai Torben Ohlhus <address@hidden> wrote:

> Let's say I made a code modification in "libinterp/corefcn/luinc.cc".

As I finally dared to admit in a recent post I am not always completely sure
I understand what should go where in Octave's source tree, but I think your
file would fit better in 


> How do I get in a reasonable time (< 5 minutes) a "working Octave" and 
> compiler output that helps me to track errors in my code (that never happens 
> to me, of course ;-) ). What was your typical workflow for this case?

if you touch just one file in that folder the build system does a pretty good 
job in making sure only that file is rebuilt, for example 

touch ../octave/libinterp/dldfcn/chol.cc 

takes about 10s on my system


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