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Re: ITSOL interface

From: Kai Torben Ohlhus
Subject: Re: ITSOL interface
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 18:38:19 +0200
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Nir Krakauer wrote:
Can anyone test in Matlab whether ilu/ichol support complex sparse matrices?


Just got access to one computer with matlab R2012b installed. Both ilu and ichol can handle complex sparse input.

>> A = sparse([10 0 2+i; 0 2 0; 2+i 0 4]);
>> setup.type='nofill';
>> [L,U,P] = ilu(A,setup)

L =

   (1,1)      1.0000
   (3,1)      0.2000 + 0.1000i
   (2,2)      1.0000
   (3,3)      1.0000

U =

   (1,1)     10.0000
   (2,2)      2.0000
   (1,3)      2.0000 + 1.0000i
   (3,3)      3.7000 - 0.4000i

P =

   (1,1)        1
   (2,2)        1
   (3,3)        1

>> L2 = ichol(A,setup)

L2 =

   (1,1)      3.1623
   (3,1)      0.6325 + 0.3162i
   (2,2)      1.4142
   (3,3)      1.8708

>> whos
  Name       Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

  A          3x3               152  double    sparse, complex
  L          3x3               128  double    sparse, complex
  L2         3x3               152  double    sparse, complex
  P          3x3                80  double    sparse
  U          3x3               128  double    sparse, complex
  setup      1x1               188  struct

So there was also an ZITSOL library for complex input (http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~saad/software/ITSOL/), but for the ichol I think I will have to become creative.


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