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Re: blog update #2

From: c.
Subject: Re: blog update #2
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 23:29:06 +0200

Hi Marco,

On 17 Jun 2013, at 23:05, Marco Vassallo <address@hidden> wrote

> Hi, I'm trying to add the data stored in the dolfin xml file to the (p,e,t) 
> matrix.
> I have some questions about how the code should be designed:
> 1)
> Create p,e,t
> if( additional information available)
>   add extra information
> In this case I have to store an extra map which stores the information
> number_of_dolfin_face_idx -> number_of_octave_face_idx

I'd use a minimalistic approach at this point: 

1) look for subdomain info in the dolfin mesh and fill the last raw of "t"
2) lok for boundary subregion info and fill the "e" structure according to the 
msh format

at a later point you could also try and fill the extra topological and 
geometric property fields
supported by msh and described in the docs for the functions 
"msh2m_topological_properties" and
msh2m_geometrical_properties, but that is not a priority at the moment.

The map you have in mind, in particular, sounds like the "boundary" field 
computed by "msh2m_topological_properties", 
is that the case?

> 2)
> If additional information is stored
>    ( create p,e,t, in some way)
> else
>    (create p,e,t, in another way)
> Is there any recommended way for optimization/clarity?

well, if no info about bulk/boundary subdomains is present you could use some 
default choice, 
e.g., set the boundary mark to 1 an all boundary facets and the subdomain 
marker to 1 on all elements.
> Marco


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