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Fix bag in svds.m

From: Vladimir Polishchuk
Subject: Fix bag in svds.m
Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 19:12:17 +0300
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I study university with specialization Science with Mathematics Emphasis (B. Si.) (last year) and I studied curses of programming Java, C, Introduction to Algorithms.
And C++ but not studied that in
And I want help to octave
as a programmer and mathematician.

I already look two bags in test:
In svds.m:
%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (A,k,0,opts);
%! s2 = diag (s2);
%! assert (flag, !1);
%! tol = 10 * eps() * norm(s2, 1);
%! assert (s2, s(k:-1:1), tol);

Bug occurs because eigs returns more negative eigenvalues then positive if there is more then one equal singular values largest of that svds mast return. Find eigenvalues symmetric about tolerance for get positive rather than negative eigenvalues with the same magnitude - for fix bag.
I fix bag the and in line:
norma = normest (A);
mast be b instead A and I fix the too.

In num2str:
%! assert (num2str (1e23), "100000000000000000000000");
I think that if the number is so large that the accuracy of the calculations not allow the unit to determine if it is integer as needs print it as a floating point.

Vladimir Polishchuk

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