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Re: Odeset - Odeget

From: c.
Subject: Re: Odeset - Odeget
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 12:39:36 +0200

On 31 Aug 2013, at 05:22, Roberto Porcù <address@hidden> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> i'm working on the Octave Socis project and i developed a program which
> implements a geometric integrator for Hamiltonian systems; this solver
> is a spectral variational integrator. The goal is to add this function to 
> OdePkg so i implemented that with the same signature of other functions of 
> this
> package, like ode45 whose arguments are (@functionHandle, time, 
> initial_conditions, odeset).
> My problem is that i need more options than those you can set with odeset,
> so that i need to define new fields in odeset struct. Till now i just added
> a new argument at the end, which is a struct containing these missing fields
> but i think it is not very nice. 
> My idea is to modify the existing odeset function, adding the possibility to
> set the values of new fields that are not pre-established, just like a normal 
> struct.
> Is it reasonable or are there reasons that make it not possible?
> I will really appreciate your suggestions and observations.
> Thanks
> Roberto

Hi Roberto,

I think we discussed this already at OctConf with the maintainer of odepkg and 
we agreed that it is OK
to add more fields to the structures created by odeset, as long as the one 
compatible with the matlab
implementation are all supported.

Do you have access to the OctaveForge code repository? The current 
implementation of odeset is in the odepkg package so you should start from 

Actually I'd suggest you start your work from a simpler task out of those in 
youre project as for example cleaning up the backward euler function 
according to the discussion in:


this should be a quick task requiring at most one day but should serve to get 
you more acquainted with the Octave Forge development process.


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