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Re: Fwd: Test files [WAS: Re: xlsread in Octave 3.6.4]

From: Markus
Subject: Re: Fwd: Test files [WAS: Re: xlsread in Octave 3.6.4]
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 00:10:11 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.4

Am 2013-09-22 23:24, schrieb PhilipNienhuis:


Maybe I do this :)
The included unzip.exe from MinGW xlsxread works fine with Windows too.

Sorry I don't follow. "MinGW xlsxread"?

gramma-fail :) xlsxread works fine in Windows 7 using the unzip.exe file from MinGW.

Anyway could you please wait until I can sent you an io-1.3.4-beta (f.
Octave-3.7.6+), in which your unpack step has already been included
(i.e., for odsread)? That'll save you (and me) a bit of work.
ATM I have other 'distractions' - it might be after Wednesday
anyway... so no hurry

Yeah, no hurry :) But xlsxread is now release in Version 1.0.

Downloaded, but I'm afraid I won't have time to look at it in detail until
Wednesday evening. I just ran a quick test (see below).

Every example sheet in the example folder works fine for me.

Sheet 1 of testOOXML.xlsx gives me the wrong results.
In LibreOffice 4.0.1 the occupied cell range is B2:AD9 (8 rows, 29 columns).
However, xlsxread v1.0:
size (xlsxread ('testOOXML.xlsx', 1))
ans =

     8   104

Uh yeah, that's wrong. Two versions earlier this was nearly correct.
From a standing position I don't know what change broke this and fix the rest^^

Maybe i'll going to post in the help list and ask for someone is willing
to test it.

Help list? (why not)
Testing is always good. But keep this in mind: testing a version which may morph quite a bit (i.e., upon possible/anticipated absorbing into some OF package) could be misleading. Both for the tester and for the developer.

Do you have plans to have xlsxread read strings as well? I saw that in OOXML strings are kept in a separate "shared strings"-file; the XML nodes related to cells containing text contents seem to have some convoluted pointers to
those shared strings. Hmmm... looks like a speed penalty...

Maybe, maybe not.
In the next days I'm more busy. So probably I won't touch or look into it until next weekend (maybe on a next train trip).
So feel free to find more bugs :)

Jabber: address@hidden

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