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Re: integrating QtHandles with Octave

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: integrating QtHandles with Octave
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2014 21:47:58 -0600
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On 01/09/2014 06:46 PM, Michael Goffioul wrote:
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:26 PM, John W. Eaton <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    On 01/09/2014 03:06 PM, Michael Goffioul wrote:

        Atomic ref-counting is required for QtHandles, as the GUI runs in a
        separate thread and accesses graphics objects from there. There is
        indeed a performance penalty, which is more visible when
        creating/deleting a lot of objects;

    Or copying?  Even though many parts of Octave pass objects that use
    reference counting by const reference (so no copy) we still have a lot
    of things that do cause copies to happen (like returning a value from
    a function).  Any shallow copy that happens is a reference count
    operation.  Is it slower when using the atomic refcount option?

    Is it possible to avoid the requirement?  Or does that just complicate
    things too much?

It might complicates thing significantly and be memory inefficient:
you'd to copy the all graphics_object hierarchy to the GUI thread and
maintain the 2 sets in sync (including during callback execution).

Another possibility is to use a global lock that a thread must acquire
before using octave objects; the risk there is to get into dead-lock

I think the second alternative will actually work. Since the last time this topic came up, I put together a small prototype of such a system for the GUI. The idea was that the GUI asks to do a command in the background (e.g., set a value of some variable in response to some GUI editing, or request for existing breakpoints in a file upon opening that file in the GUI editor) and the Octave worker process executes the command and "sends" the result to the GUI along with a tag identifying the GUI object that requested the info. Signals are sent to any object that temporarily "registers" itself with possible destinations for some data. By "sending" the data, I really mean a reference (pointer) is sent, not the actual data because that would mess with the reference count and pose a risk in the thread exchange. I verified with placement of print commands that nothing happens to the reference count under such a scenario.

The important detail was that the Octave process must go into a sleep state while the GUI (or other) process copies the data locally using the reference pointer. If the main process quickly copies the data then wakes the worker process, both processes can then continue--the main process probably doing something with the data it just copied. The mechanism to handle this is the Mutex. There is a mode whereby the worker process (Octave) locks the mutex and then goes into a sleep state, and upon going into that sleep state the process gives up its lock so that some other process can take over. When the mutex is done with, the work process awakes (with the lock, I think).

That's what I recall anyway,


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