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Re: Single/Double precision equality

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: Single/Double precision equality
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 12:41:47 -0500
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On 09/26/2014 11:35 PM, Rik wrote:
On 09/26/2014 04:35 PM, address@hidden wrote:
Single/double precision equality question
Daniel J Sebald <address@hidden>
09/26/2014 04:34 PM


text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Should the following equality behavior be explained in "help =="?

format bit
ans = 0011111110111001100110011001100110100000000000000000000000000000
ans = 0011111110111001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
single(0.1) == double(0.1)
ans = 0011111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

I guess I'm OK with it.  The test demotes the double to a single.  Try:

double(single(0.1)) == double(0.1)
ans = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

However, the demoting rule doesn't hold true for all classes.  Try:

v1 = pi;
v2 = int8(v1);
v1 == v2
ans = 0

Whatever the case, it probably would be good to have this documented
for the user.  Perhaps it is, but I don't know where to look beyond
"help ." and "help ==".

Look at section 4.7 of the manual "Promotion and Demotion of Data
Types".  I'm sure there's still room for improvement there if you want
to reword things.

OK, thanks. I vaguely remember this now. At the time there was discussion of whether equality tests should even be allowed for mixed types. Anyway, the description could use some rewording (or even removal) given that on the whole it doesn't really seem to make the issue any clearer. I can see, though, it would take a bold and brave soul to attempt to rewrite.

The reason is that if Octave
promoted values in expressions like the above with all numerical
constants would need to be explicitly cast to the appropriate data type

     uint8 (1) + uint8 (1)
         => 2

I like the above explanation, but it seems sort of ancillary. Maybe making more of a main point would be helpful...

Basically, when different types are used in a mixed operation such as A
+ B, then integer trumps single which trumps double.  Thus, single (0.1)
== double (0.1) should demote the RHS to single and then do the
comparison which equals true.

When doing mixed integer/floating point operations the integer is
temporarily promoted to floating point and the final result is then cast
back to integer (at least that is the way Matlab does it).  This
explains the second example because 3 (int8) is promoted to double which
!= pi (double).

...and here is where another explanation could be used. Going from int to float back to int is at first puzzling.

The explanation may lie in the fact that integers are naturally cast to double upon input.

octave:7> x = 1
x =  1
octave:8> class(x)
ans = double

That is, we don't have to type "x = 1.0" to make x be floating point. Thus integers are naturally cast to float when operations are evaluated. Then again, in the case where there is no ambiguity about the variable type, such as a char, the char is promoted to double when evaluated as well, and when stored:

octave:25> 'a' == 97.1
ans = 0
octave:27> 'a' + 1.1
ans =  98.100

Maybe the easiest thing is to concede to arbitrariness and in the documentation add a third column, an "operator evaluation" column:

      Mixed Operation     Evaluate      Storage
     double OP single      single       single
     double OP integer     double       integer
     double OP char        double       double
     double OP logical     double       double
     single OP integer     single       integer
     single OP char        single       single
     single OP logical     single       single

And then there is this result:

octave:28> uint8(3) == uint16(3)
ans =  1
octave:29> uint8(3) + uint16(3)
error: binary operator '+' not implemented for 'uint8 scalar' by 'uint16 scalar' operations

Why?  This is no problem:

octave:35> uint8(3) + 3
ans = 6
octave:36> class(ans)
ans = uint8

so why should uint8(3) + uint16(3) be invalid? At the start of the documentation it's argued time is saved by not having to explicitly cast, but now we're forced to do so with

octave:37> uint8(300) + uint8(uint16(300))
ans = 255

Oh well.


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