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Re: How compatible does it have to be?

From: Pantxo Diribarne
Subject: Re: How compatible does it have to be?
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 08:48:24 +0200
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Le 14/04/2015 02:47, Daniel a écrit :
If I write a new function for a package, how comatible does it have to be with matlab?

For example, is the following difference considered a "bug"?

In matlab:

        >> T=maketform('affine',[.5 0 0; .5 2 0; 0 0 1]);
        tformfwd([10 20],T)

        ans =

            15    40

        >> tformfwd(T,[10 20])

        ans =

            15    40

In octave:
        octave:13> T=maketform('affine',[.5 0 0;.5 2 0;0 0 1]);
        octave:14> tformfwd([10 20],T)
        error: tformfwd: expect a transform structure as first argument


The fact the Matlab accepts argument of tformfwd in any order is not documented and may change in the future, so I would stick to the properly documented interface and not consider this a bug. Lets keep being more rigorous than they are :-)


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