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Re: Request for Matlab output

From: Avinoam Kalma
Subject: Re: Request for Matlab output
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 21:55:21 +0200


I am trying to figure out if the "windowbuttonmotionfcn" should be called after each mouse move event (very many times) in Qt or only if no callback is already being executed. Could someone run the following in Matlab and report back here:

hf = figure ();

set (hf, 'windowbuttonmotionfcn', 'pause (3), disp (''Motion'')')
set (hf, 'windowbuttondownfcn', 'disp (''Click'')')

%% Now move your mouse above the figure during about 5 s, click in the canvas once and move again during about 5s.

My question is how much times (if) the callbacks are triggered. I expect the output to be 2 times "Motion", 1 time "Click" and then 2 times "Motion".

Don't try this example in Octave as you'll get an uninterruptible series of "Motion" diplayed.





On Matlab 2010b on Win-7, I got 21 times "Motion", 1 time "Click" and that's all.





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