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Re: Default merged to stable for upcoming 4.2 release

From: c.
Subject: Re: Default merged to stable for upcoming 4.2 release
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 19:28:42 +0200

On 5 Oct 2016, at 19:11, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:

> As I recall, the documentation only describes anonymous functions but 
> additional parameters are still supported.  Maybe I'm thinking of fsolve, but 
> the situation is the same.  If Matlab still supports the feature (even if it 
> is not documented as working) then we will probably also get reports about it 
> if we drop support for it.  Best to verify by asking someone to run some 
> tests in a current version of Matlab first. If they have dropped it, we can 
> as well.  Otherwise, we should probably keep this feature.
> jwe

OK, I don't have matlab at hand at the moment, could someone please run the 
following on a recent release:

[t, x] = ode45 (@(t, x, l) - l * x, [0 10], 1, odeset('RelTol', 1e-9), 3);
plot (t, x, t, exp (-3*t), 'ko')


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