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Re: [Fwd: saw your comments on hacker news]

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: [Fwd: saw your comments on hacker news]
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 15:21:25 -0600
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On 11/19/2016 02:38 PM, Daniel J Sebald wrote:
On 11/19/2016 11:47 AM, John Swensen wrote:
I wish we could find some language/interpreter expert with lots of time
to spend on JIT for Octave. Most discussions I have with students and
other researchers who have used Octave in the past (and reiterated in
the ycombinator discussion), their complaint has always been the speed
of for loops and lack of JIT. The problem is that it really requires
pretty much a domain expert on JIT to keep a robust solution always up
to date with a language.
Let's take a look at the example in that link, and perhaps you or
someone else at that link could explore things just a little more and
give insight.

A smart interpreter would realize that the expression

for i=1:100 for j=1:100 k=x(i,j); end; end;

could be evaluated as


and done.  (And maybe Octave should be that perceptive.)  My point is
that the above loop isn't of much intrinsic value, so it really isn't
worth it being a point of comparison.  Instead, I'd think comparing
something like the following is more meaningful:

octave:38> x=rand(300);
octave:39> k=ones(300);
octave:40> tic; for i=1:300 for j=1:300 k(j,i)=x(i,j); end; end; toc;
Elapsed time is 1.69623 seconds.

That is, a loop interpreter couldn't reduce the loop to something
independent of i and j and quickly get the final result.  (A person can
recognize that this is simply k = x', sure, but not a general looping

So, I'd say make that comparison between the two programs.  It will tell
us whether something inherent in Octave looping is really time consuming
or whether Octave just needs to be a little smarter in recognizing
certain conditions.

In an attempt to answer my own question, here are a few times of interest:

octave:38> x=rand(300);
octave:50> tic; k = x'; toc;
Elapsed time is 0.000827074 seconds.
octave:51> tic; for i=1:300 for j=1:300 k(j,i)=x(i,j); end; end; toc;
Elapsed time is 1.7148 seconds.
[The transpose operation is blazing fast compared to looping transpose.]

octave:52> tic; for i=1:300 for j=1:300 ; end; end; toc;
Elapsed time is 0.022603 seconds.
[Looping that does nothing consumes a fair amount of CPU, using the k=x' as measure.]

octave:53> tic; for i=1:300 for j=1:300 k=3; end; end; toc;
Elapsed time is 0.037637 seconds.
[Doing something within the loop adds some, but without using an index it isn't much.]

octave:56> tic; for i=1:300 for j=1:300 k(j,i)=3; end; end; toc;
Elapsed time is 0.871632 seconds.
[OK, here's a factor of ten jump by indexing into the array.]

octave:57> tic; for i=1:300 for j=1:300 k(2,5)=3; end; end; toc;
Elapsed time is 0.661854 seconds.
[Using array indexing, but not the loop iterators is also consuming a fair amount of CPU.]

Maybe some speedup can be achieved in the interpreter array indexing mechanism; don't know.

So, what is JIT meant to do? Is it supposed to be something that takes the looping expression and "internalize" it? That is, rather than interpret the line "k(j,i)=x(i,j)" for each iteration

for i=1:300
  for j=1:300

it should first interpret it's contents and then loop?  I.e.,

CodeHunkOfSomeSort(i,j) = INTERPRET["k(j,i)=x(i,j)"]

for i=1:300
  for j=1:300

Does that then cut out the large percentage of time spent interpreting?


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