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Re: Some questions on the interval package

From: Oliver Heimlich
Subject: Re: Some questions on the interval package
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 12:36:14 +0200
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On 15.08.2017 11:16, Joel Dahne wrote:
> Oliver Heimlich writes:
>> On 16.06.2017 13:38, Joel Dahne wrote:
>>>>> disp.m: When printing an array with more than 2 dimensions I have
>>>>> followed the normal Octave style. It looks like
>>>>>  ans(:,:,1) =
>>>>>    [0]   [0]
>>>>>    [0]   [0]
>>>> Two small observations:
>>>>  1. The matrix label “ans(:,:,…)” should not be indented.
>>>>  2. Before the matrix label you need an additional blank line (not
>>>> before the first one). Remark: disp.m currently only supports “format
>>>> loose”, where there are blank lines between matrix labels and matrices.
>>>> Feel free to add support for “format compact”, but I don't know how to
>>>> properly detect the current display mode.
>>> I have fixed the observations you made! Have not added support for
>>> "format compact" though, I don't know how to properly detect this
>>> either.
>> Given the recent hints on the mailing list regarding bug #46603, I have
>> added support for “format compact” myself.  It has been a little bit
>> complicated to come up with a solution that doesn't use internal
>> functions, doesn't rely on deprecated features, and doesn't break old
>> versions of Octave.
> It is indeed a bit complicated. I doesn't work for Octave version 4.2.1,
> which uses __compactformat__ for this. I have attached a patch that
> fixes it for me. But please double check that it works for you as well.

Thanks for the patch.  I'll make a private utility function from it.


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