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Re: renaming some classes and using the octave namespace in the GUI

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: renaming some classes and using the octave namespace in the GUI
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2018 12:45:16 -0600
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On 02/08/2018 12:05 PM, John W. Eaton wrote:
On 02/08/2018 12:43 PM, Daniel J Sebald wrote:

Could we wait a week on this? I'm right in the process of wrapping up some changes to the variable editor that turn it into a QMainWindow type of interface (as opposed to QTabWidget) and such a sweeping change would make a mess for patches. Also, I'm doing some restructuring to make things more in line with signals/slots and that might influence naming convention in the space.

Are you working on any files outside of the variable editor?

I realize that any changes like this may cause trouble for patches, but so can any changes, no matter what the purpose.


linux@ ~/octave/octave/octave $ hg status
M libgui/src/main-window.h
M libgui/src/octave-dock-widget.cc
M libgui/src/octave-dock-widget.h
M libgui/src/variable-editor-model.cc
M libgui/src/variable-editor-model.h
M libgui/src/variable-editor.cc
M libgui/src/variable-editor.h

The main-window.h modification is a trivial change removing some header files no longer required.

The change to octave-dock-widget.cc is for the purpose of reusing that thin header portion of its window, i.e., that tiny

WindowTitle ........ FloatButton CloseButton

one sees in the main Octave GUI window. In the variable editor I'm making WindowTitle be the variable name. With the added control, I can then change the background color of the variable name to indicate which sub-window is in focus. So that's new


which in turn is inherited by


the latter also being new. The end result is a really similar look-and-feel for the main window and variable editor. I could have just had variable_dock_widget inherit octave_dock_widget, but octave_dock_widget has all that code for saving settings and so on, stuff not really needed by the variable editor (plus, it crashed when I tried that, so...).


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