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lcm(0,n) gives 0 which should be changed.

From: Dildar Sk
Subject: lcm(0,n) gives 0 which should be changed.
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 10:29:39 -0700 (MST)

>> lcm(0,1)
Error using lcm (line 16)
Input arguments must contain positive integers.
>> lcm(0,11)
Error using lcm (line 16)
Input arguments must contain positive integers.

So, MATLAB chooses to make produce error for other numbers than Integer.

In Octave,

>> lcm(0,1)
ans = 0
>> lcm(0,10)
ans = 0

So Octave gives lcm(0,n) 0. So like this any number x,y should produce lcm
to be 0.
lcm(x,y) = 0 will be always true in this sense. And lcm(x,y) is divisible by
both x and y but we know 0/0 undefined or NaN(Octave uses). Please correct
me so that I can learn.

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