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[Om-synth] DSSI plugins: restarting the GUI

From: Lars Luthman
Subject: [Om-synth] DSSI plugins: restarting the GUI
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 23:21:14 +0200

If I load a DSSI plugin in Om, open the GUI, make some changes that
cause it to send configure strings to the host, close the GUI, and then
open the GUI again, does Om send the configuration strings to the GUI?
It seems as if it doesn't - I tested an envelope generator plugin that
I'm working on and the second time I start the GUI it always shows an
empty envelope, even though the actual plugin is still generating the
envelope I created the first time I opened the GUI. I tried the same
thing in ghostess (opening the GUI, click in some envelope points, close
the GUI, open the GUI again) and there the GUI shows the correct
envelope the second time I open it.

The plugin I used is here:

It's still very experimental.

Lars Luthman
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