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Re: [Openexr-devel] undefined symbol link error

From: Nafees Bin Zafar
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] undefined symbol link error
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 10:04:21 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2) Gecko/20021203

I haven't found a nice alternative either.

#ifdef __APPLE_CC__
# define ceilf(a)    ceil(a)
# define floorf(a)   floor(a)
# define fmodf(a,b)  fmod(a,b)
# define fabsf(a)    fabs(a)

# define powf(a,b)   pow(a,b)
# define expf(a)     exp(a)
# define logf(a)     log(a)
# define log10f(a)   log10(a)
# define sqrtf(a)    sqrt(a)

# define drand48()   ((double)rand()/RAND_MAX)
# define srand48(n)  srand((n));

# define sinf(a)     sin(a)
# define sinhf(a)    sinh(a)
# define cosf(a)     cos(a)
# define coshf(a)    cosh(a)
# define tanf(a)     tan(a)
# define tanhf(a)    tanh(a)
# define asinf(a)    asin(a)
# define acosf(a)    acos(a)
# define atanf(a)    atan(a)
# define atanhf(a)   atanh(a)
# define atan2f(a,b) atan2(a,b)


Darrin Cardani wrote:

At 8:23 PM -0700 10/15/03, Scott Frankel wrote:

Many of the new errors I'm getting are from undeclared symbols; i.e.:
::asinf. They originate in ImathMath.h, included in ImathVec.h. Is there a lib file that's not getting read properly, where asinf, atanf, &c. are declared?

The problem is that under OS X, using the apple-supplied libraries, the trig functions for floats don't exist. Only the double versions do. You could define your own functions (or even macros) which just cast the arguments to doubles and call them.

I don't know what the reasoning was for getting rid of the float versions of these functions. It makes it a pain to write AltiVec code that produces identical results to scalar code, for one thing. I've read, though I can't prove it, that working with doubles is faster on PPC than working with single precision floats and that's why they did it. But I've also read about this happening to others as well.

I'm new to using gcc, so I'm sorry to say, I don't know what the answer is other than my suggestion above.


Nafees Bin Zafar        address@hidden
Zarking Lunatic         310/314-2800 (x2012)
D  I  G  I  T  A  L     D  O  M  A  I  N

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