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Re: [Openexr-devel] Willing to help

From: Ken McGaugh
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Willing to help
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 10:17:06 +0000
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Brendan Bolles wrote:
In case someone hasn't already mentioned it...

- a Maya plugin

Maya doesn't provide a general file format API. Mental Ray in 6.5 supports OpenEXR, but it's sort of weird to use files in Maya that don't show up in the UI and can't be picked through normal file dialogs. But if you have paths to EXR files, Mental Ray should know what to do with them. OpenEXR is also an output choice from Mental Ray. No Z-depth though. :(

You can write an IMF plugin for maya to read/write OpenEXR files.  And
as of maya 6.0 they show up in all the menus and file dialogs.  We have
such a plugin here, but when I asked alias about publishing the source they
said no. :(

I'm not sure what the deal is with distributing the binary though.  Anybody
have an idea?


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