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Re: [Openexr-devel] python 3

From: charles . fleche
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] python 3
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:40:05 +0200 (CEST)

> I don't know of anyone looking into this, not from our end at least.
> If you are feeling generous with your time then we could create a "python3" 
> branch that
> would be used to submit pull requests there in. 

Thanks Piotr,

I took a quick look two days ago. I reached the point where the non-numpy stuff 
compiles. It seems that openexr is using an old, deprecated API of numpy, but 
it was quite late and I didn't investigate further.

I fixed a few things in the configure script. Some checks were using python2 
print statements for instance, and as it seems there is no way to specify which 
python interpreter you want to compile for, so I've forced python3 as the 
default interpreter. Nasty, but my autotools knowledge is pretty basic, so it 
allowed me to keep on coding.

The C python API changed a bit too. Mainly I've renamed PyInt_* calls to 
PyLong_* and PyString_* (IIRC, I'm not in front of my own computer right now) 
to PyByteArray_*.

I'll be happy to submit pull requests to a python3 branch, but I'll probably 
need some help to properly fix the autotools bits.


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