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Re: [Openexr-devel] Relying on exceptions in fuzz tests?

From: Brendan Bolles
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Relying on exceptions in fuzz tests?
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 14:41:10 -0700

On May 29, 2014, at 12:14 PM, Christopher Horvath wrote:

> I'm compiling OpenEXR with exceptions, but the libraries that I am required 
> to link to beneath OpenEXR have the exception behavior disabled 
> (inconsistently).
> I'm happy with the results that 2.1.0 passes all the regular tests for all 
> the libraries. The fuzz tests don't work, but in my case, that's okay, I 
> think.

Sounds like it should mostly work.  If "new" has been hacked to return NULL 
instead of throw an exception, you are going to get crashes in those cases.  
But that is unlikely to happen so long as you don't ask the library to do too 
much buffering (like reading tiled images with Imf::InputFile).  You could 
override the new operator to try to exit the program gracefully instead of 
returning NULL and crashing.

Yeah, I think the fuzz tests are pretty platform-independant.  It's not really 
important that they work on your platform.


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