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Re: [Openexr-devel] Compiling OpenEXR under Windows

From: Alastair Donaldson
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Compiling OpenEXR under Windows
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 16:51:27 +0000
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Dear Neall and Piotr

Thanks for your replies.

I've been trying the CMake route but have been having errors.

Does anyone know whether pre-built Windows 64-bit binaries are available somewhere?  The latest Windows binaries on the downloads page are for an older version (which is not necessarily a problem for me), and are 32-bit (which is a problem for me).  If not then I'll persevere more.



On 23/01/2015 17:23, Neall Verheyde wrote:
Roughly, from memory:

1. Install Windows CMake (

2. cd to the IlmBase directory
3. mkdir vsbuild, cd vsbuild (name it however you like)
4. cmake -G"Visual Studio 12 Win64" ..
5. open IlmBase.sln in Visual Studio, select release x64 target, build, install
6. repeat 2-5 for OpenEXR

Adjust cmake parameters in step 4 to change the Visual Studio version/platform, install location (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX), or build parameters (eg. OpenEXR namespace).

Note that this process works for any CMake-based project under Windows, assuming you have all the necessary tools installed. I have MinGW and MSYS installed for more complicated projects.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 8:16 AM, Alastair Donaldson <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear all

I'd like to compile OpenEXR under Windows, ideally using Visual Studio.  The README says "see README.win32" for instructions on how to build OpenEXR on a Windows platform.  However, README.win32 appears to be empty.

If anyone has any pointers here they would be much appreciated. Same for IlmBase - it has the same situation with README files.

Many thanks

Ally Donaldson

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