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Re: [Openexr-devel] Multi-part history

From: Larry Gritz
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Multi-part history
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 09:36:46 -0700

I think the usual convention is to use multi-part when you have multiple camera views, each of which needs the same set of channels (e.g. right and left eye, each of which have R, G, B, A, Z, etc.). But when you simply have a lot of distinct channels from the same camera (such as various lighting AOV's, as you mention), then usually it's done as a single part, with lots of channels named appropriately.

On Apr 7, 2015, at 1:30 AM, Gunter Sprenger <address@hidden> wrote:

It would be great to have the possibility of sharing a z channel between parts. For each framebuffer (diffuse, indirect etc) we write out
a part and we have to include the z channel which is identical for all parts.

On 04/06/2015 07:32 PM, Piotr Stanczyk wrote:
Indeed, there was quite a long thread about that in the offline discussions when we were looking at 2.0  .. I might still have that saved off somewhere, but it might take a while.
In short, we wanted to have some commonality between parts to ensure that there was some semantic that bound these parts together which would prevent a free for all mash-up.  I seem to recall that the stereo pipe was good test case for things like display window, time code, aspect ratio etc ...  
There was a desire to have a small enough set that could be potentially relaxes as time went on; going the other way is much more tricky. 


On 6 April 2015 at 08:33, Karl Rasche <address@hidden> wrote:
Does anyone recall the motivation behind having common attributes shared between parts in a multi-part file?

It seems like the sort of thing that was debated and added for some good reason..


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