# # This file has three sections. # # A. A shorthand table for the most frequent groups in the xrefs. # The first line tells the number of elements to follow, # then one line per entry with a one-character shorthand and full name. # # B. A shorthand table for the most freqent author names. # This is formatted just like the other shorthand table. # (sorted by post count, so it's also a most-frequent-posters list...) # # C. The group's headers section. # The first line tells the number of articles to follow, # then articles which each have the following lines: # 1. message-id # 2. subject # 3. author # 4. references. This line is omitted if the Article has an empty References header. # 5. time-posted. This is a time_t (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time) # 6. xref line, server1:group1:number1 server2:group2:number2 ... # 7. has-attachments [parts-total-count parts-found-count] line-count # If has-attachments isn't 't' (for true), fields 2 and 3 are omitted. # If fields 2 and 3 are equal, the article is `complete'. # 8. One line per parts-found-count: part-index message-id byte-count # a 'message-id' of '"' is shorthand meaning use the message-id from line 1. # 2 # file format version number 1 # xref shorthand count a alt.binaries.warez 1 # author shorthand count a address@hidden (Yenc-PP-A&A) 1 (Master Cookbook Deluxe) [1/1] - "Cookbook.iso" yEnc (/2405) address@hidden (Mary Beth) 1165283661 1:a:23423662 t 4 4 4757270 1 254671 2 256186 3 258430 4 258556