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[Pan-users] Feature requests: negative regexes, virtual folders, global

From: Madsen Wikholm
Subject: [Pan-users] Feature requests: negative regexes, virtual folders, global settings
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 08:49:43 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


A few ideas have popped up during my use of pan.

It would be nice to have a search that could exclude what you enter in the
search field for the article (subject|author|message-id). Perhaps even so that
you could construct a regexp that would parse the field. I know this can be
done with the "on the fly" filter but it would be nice to have a "quicker" way
of doing it.

I'd like to be able to have a folder that would gather all the relevant
articles that meet a certain criteria from some set of newsgroups. What I'm
thinking about is something along the lines of vfolders in evolution. This way
I cold easily find what I'm interested in once I have the rules and filters
for it in place.


When setting display preferences (filters) for the groups it could be handy to
have someplace to set the article display preferences globally. E.g. when some
groups are selected and then choosing a set of filters, they would be applied
to the selected groups.

just my 2ยข


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