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[Pan-users] Behavior when clicking on a group.

From: Eric Ortega
Subject: [Pan-users] Behavior when clicking on a group.
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 14:17:06 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

I'm running 0.14.0 and am a bit frustrated that even though I've
attempted to make Pan do as little as possible when selecting a group
(with a left mouse click), I still cannot get it to not switch to
the other group.

Perhaps this would be a non-issue if I could right-click on a group,
highlight it, and get new headers ... but, alas.

I believe this behavior was introduced back in the 0.13.X series
somewhere and has been a bit of an irritant (for me) ever since.

I think this came in with the whole set of 'clicking on a group
automatically downloads everything on the planet and emails your mother'
feature that was introduced for the, apparently, more lazy people out
there. :)  I guess it's popular as it quickly became the default.

The reason it causes problems is that I might be reading a group, want
to pre-download headers for another, and there is no way to do so
without changing the currently loaded header set.  This used to be
possible before this new behavior was introduced.

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