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[Pan-users] Re: Automatic binary download

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Automatic binary download
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2003 05:26:12 -0700
User-agent: Pan/0.14.2 (This is not a psychotic episode. It's a cleansing moment of clarity.)

Søren Haagerup posted <address@hidden>, excerpted
below,  on Sun, 05 Oct 2003 02:34:10 +0200:

> Hi!
> For long time, I've been searching for a program, that automatically
> can:
> 1) Download new headers from subscribed news groups
> 2) Search for posts with special keywords in the subject-lines
> 3) Download all files that matches the keywords
> - and this will continue every 1 hour, or any other chosen interval..
> Is that possible in Pan? Or will it ever be possible?

This is not now possible, at least not without a lot of additional work.
However, it should be possible pretty soon, as that's on the roadmap to be
added for the 0.15.x series.  See

Note that 0.15 has a lot on its plate, some of which may not be in
0.15.0, and some of which may ultimately be pushed off to 0.16.  However,
probably the biggest project will be the database backend, and I'm
reasonably certain that the scheduleable PAN will be sometime in 0.15, as
well as the simple binary posting, as the latter has most of the
functional and UI code already ready already, only there were some
comparatively minor interface and UI complexity issues to resolve b4 it
was actually added, and it just hasn't happened yet as there were other
things to do.  I'm actually not expecting the db backend overhaul until
0.16, IOW, as I expect it's going to be major enough in bug introduction
and ironing out if not in actual feature coding, that it will merit a
milestone release all to itself.  It's possible Charles will make that
0.15, but just by how long the other stuff's been kicking around on the
roadmap, I expect it to be done first, and then the big db overhaul to be
done for 0.16.  That's the way I'd handle it, anyway, but of course I'm
not lead developer (or even contributing developer yet, only list
contributor..).  Who knows?  He might surprise me! <g> (Note that he's
on a well earned vacation right now, thus, his absence from the list for
the past couple weeks or whatever.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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