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[Pan-users] Re: Can someone confirm this bug?

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Can someone confirm this bug?
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2006 22:36:36 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: pan 0.120 (Plate of Shrimp)

"Darren Albers" <address@hidden> posted
excerpted below, on  Fri, 29 Dec 2006 13:23:31 -0500:

>>From the Bug Report:
> Please describe the problem:
> When adding a nzb via command-line it always defaults to saving in $home,
> I added the following to preferences.xml:
>  <string name='default-save-attachments-path' value='/home/darren/News'/>
> and it still saved it in $home.   When I import the NZB via the GUI it
> does seem to default to using the path above (The save dialog opens there)
> and when
> I check group preferences it is listed there.

One thing to verify, does it save in $HOME specifically, or does it
default to $PWD (the current working directory, for MS users)?

There was a bug some time ago, long fixed, where a task set to download a
bunch of messages to cache (not saving them at all, except in cache), then
interrupted by closing pan, would reset to a SAVE operation (instead of a
download to cache only) and save everything to $PWD upon restarting pan.

Since my working style for binaries involves saving to (a rather larger
than default) cache first, then working from there after everything is
downloaded so it's all local and no delay to work with, this former bug
hit me pretty hard.  At first I wasn't sure what it was, only that pan was
dumping a bunch of junk (including attachments I'd normally delete
unsaved, after checking a few and deciding they weren't worth saving) in

After figuring out it was cache becoming save after restart, I went to
file the bug and noted it was already filed, and that it wasn't $HOME
specifically, but $PWD, which is normally home unless you've CDed
elsewhere in the environment starting pan. My local workaround was to have
a pan launcher script that did a CD to a "scratch" dir before actually
launching pan. That actually worked quite well for me, since I was already
using launcher scripts to set $PAN_HOME and thus keep separate binary and
text pan configurations, and my launcher scripts still do that CD into a
scratch dir, thus keeping $HOME free of pan detritus.

Without yet testing it, I'd suggest this is another case of the same
thing, since pan stores its task list as a *.nzb file and was simply
reading in the download to cache instructions saved in its *.nzb and
interpreting them as a save, and simply saving them to the default
location, $PWD, the working dir, and that's essentially what's happening
here as well.

So that bug as likely related... let me see if I can find the number...

Now to go add a similar comment to the current bug report...

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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