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Re: [Pan-users] Dependency hell with Pan on SL

From: Joe Zeff
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Dependency hell with Pan on SL
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 10:20:55 -0700
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On 06/28/2011 07:05 AM, Beartooth wrote:
(Fwiw, I'll be one of those skipping F15 till Gnome 3 has changed
a bunch, or else  running Xfce or even KDE 4 on it. After several days'
look, I see more new tricks than are worth this old dog's while to learn,

I've gone to XFCE and am very happy with it, and the more I read about Gnome 3, the happier I am. Linux, we know, is all about choice, but the Gnome devs seem (from my POV) to be giving us less and less choice. And, I don't like the idea of a DE that depends so much on interpreted languages; no matter how fast your box is, there's got to be a performance hit and it adds up. Still, if you like Gnome 3, by all means use it.

And, I'm still on F14 and will probably skip 15 completely, just as I did with 10. When F10 came out, there were so many problems with it and so many people reporting issues that should have been caught in beta that I just stuck with 9 until 11 came out. Now, 15 looks like the same thing. Of course, in this case it might be because of teething troubles with new technology, but I'm planning to let other people fight with them. Unlike some people, I'm not eager to change things just for the sake of change. With luck, by the time F16 comes out things will be better and I'll have learned what to expect by watching the early adopters.

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