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Re: [Pan-users] New Win32 build 0.140 + GIT

From: Steve Davies
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] New Win32 build 0.140 + GIT
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 09:36:05 +0100

On 1 October 2013 03:50, Duncan <address@hidden> wrote:
> Bruce Bowler posted on Mon, 30 Sep 2013 16:52:15 +0000 as excerpted:
>> On Sat, 28 Sep 2013 12:13:35 +0100, Steve Davies wrote:
>>> PAN Win32 installer just got updated to 0.140 with all GIT patches as
>>> of today 28/Sep/2013.
>>> For brand-new installs, there are some odd default background colours
>> I've got 2 other 'color' problems.
>> - quoted text isn't rendered in 'quoted text' colors, but rather just
>> black.
> Unfortunately that's what I've been seeing here on (Linux) git-pan as
> well, so it's not an MS thing.  The "other text" colors seem to be
> overriding the quoted text colors, and everything (but URLs, and headers
> when they're toggled to show) in the body has been in the same "other"
> color for some time (since sometime last year, AFAIK, I /think/ shortly
> after 0.139 release).
> Obviously a bug, but I said something about it back then and I guess
> Heinrich missed it -- well either that or I think it /was/ was about the
> time he got busy and didn't do a whole lot more.  But even if he caught
> it then and simply didn't have time to chase it down back then, I didn't
> file it as a bug and he probably long forgot about it by now.
> I had thought I'd try bisecting it to the problem commit, and see if
> given the changed code as a hint, I could pick up what was wrong, and
> what was different between quote colors and URL colors, which DO apply,
> but I never got to it.
> So it's good to bring back up now.  Perhaps Heinrich or someone else who
> can actually code can see what's wrong and create a patch.  I'd guess
> it'd be applied pretty fast once someone had a patch.
>> - If one makes any changes to the preferences in 'edit selected groups
>> preferences' the 'group color' is, by default, white, which is the color
>> the group name is rendered in.  That doesn't show up very well on the
>> white background.  Is it possible to get the default group color to be
>> black?
> I didn't notice that as I prefer a "reverse" color scheme, light text on
> dark backgrounds, but when the colored-groups feature first went in, I
> remember having problems with it due to my "reverse" scheme and the fact
> that all unset-color groups were defaulting to dark text... on my dark
> background!
> AFAIK that's actually why he put in the "other text" setting, so a user
> could set a reasonable (for them) foreground and background color
> regardless of whether they preferred a "normal" dark-on-light scheme, or
> a "reverse" light-on-dark scheme as I do.
> Except when he did that, it had the effect of overruling the body pane's
> quoted text color, but unlike the dark text on dark background groups
> that I was dealing with before, I could at least read that, so that's why
> I didn't press it when Heinrich didn't immediately get to my mention that
> it killed the quoted text colors.

(Apologies if the original was in HTML. I use GMail in plain-text
mode, so I do not know how that snuck in :( )

To try and solve the colour issues, I did look at the code and try
some basic bisecting of the patches, but the patch where it occurs is
basically where the dialog code was changed a lot in one hit. Doing a
visual check of that code revealed nothing obvious, so as Duncan
suggests, better men may have to take a look at it. I did also try to
do a GTK3 build for Win32, but the support is not good enough right
now, and it got very messy - I did see the same colour issues though,
so it is not a GTK2/GTK3 thing.

Reproducing it is fairly easy. Simply rename the preferences.xml file
out of the way and start Pan. The old file can always get put back


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