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[paparazzi-commits] [5128] Add to generate messages2. h

From: Allen Ibara
Subject: [paparazzi-commits] [5128] Add to generate messages2. h using static inline instead of #define
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 19:56:08 +0000

Revision: 5128

Author:   aibara
Date:     2010-07-22 19:56:08 +0000 (Thu, 22 Jul 2010)
Log Message:
Add to generate messages2.h using static inline instead of 

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/Makefile
--- paparazzi3/trunk/Makefile   2010-07-22 19:53:30 UTC (rev 5127)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/Makefile   2010-07-22 19:56:08 UTC (rev 5128)
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@
        cd $(MULTIMON); $(MAKE)
        @[ -d sw/airborne/arm7/lpcusb ] && ((test -x $(ARMGCC) && (cd 
sw/airborne/arm7/lpcusb; $(MAKE))) || echo "Not building usb_lib: 
ARMGCC=$(ARMGCC) not found") || echo "Not building usb_lib: 
sw/airborne/arm7/lpcusb directory missing"
@@ -108,6 +109,13 @@
        $(Q)mv /tmp/msg.h $@
        $(Q)chmod a+r $@
+$(MESSAGES2_H) : $(MESSAGES_XML) $(CONF_XML) $(TOOLS)/gen_messages2.out
+       $(Q)test -d $(STATICINCLUDE) || mkdir -p $(STATICINCLUDE)
+       @echo BUILD $@
+       $(Q)PAPARAZZI_SRC=$(PAPARAZZI_SRC) $(TOOLS)/gen_messages2.out $< 
telemetry > /tmp/msg.h
+       $(Q)mv /tmp/msg.h $@
+       $(Q)chmod a+r $@
 $(UBX_PROTOCOL_H) : $(UBX_XML) $(TOOLS)/gen_ubx.out
        @echo BUILD $@
        $(Q)PAPARAZZI_SRC=$(PAPARAZZI_SRC) $(TOOLS)/gen_ubx.out $< > /tmp/ubx.h
@@ -191,7 +199,7 @@
        rm -fr dox build-stamp configure-stamp conf/%gconf.xml debian/files 
debian/paparazzi-arm7 debian/paparazzi-avr debian/paparazzi-base 
debian/paparazzi-bin debian/paparazzi-dev
        find . -mindepth 2 -name Makefile -exec sh -c '$(MAKE) -C `dirname {}` 
$@' \; 
        find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} \;

Modified: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/Makefile
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/Makefile  2010-07-22 19:53:30 UTC (rev 5127)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/Makefile  2010-07-22 19:56:08 UTC (rev 5128)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-all: gen_aircraft.out gen_airframe.out gen_messages.out gen_ubx.out 
gen_flight_plan.out gen_radio.out gen_periodic.out gen_settings.out 
gen_tuning.out gen_xsens.out gen_modules.out gen_conf_radio_control_ppm.out 
+all: gen_aircraft.out gen_airframe.out gen_messages2.out gen_messages.out 
gen_ubx.out gen_flight_plan.out gen_radio.out gen_periodic.out gen_settings.out 
gen_tuning.out gen_xsens.out gen_modules.out gen_conf_radio_control_ppm.out 
 FP_CMO = fp_proc.cmo gen_flight_plan.cmo
 ABS_FP = $(FP_CMO:%=$$PAPARAZZI_SRC/sw/tools/%)

Added: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/                          (rev 0)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/tools/  2010-07-22 19:56:08 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ * $Id: 4783 2010-04-02 11:23:40Z hecto $
+ *
+ * XML preprocessing of messages.xml for downlink protocol
+ *  
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 ENAC, Pascal Brisset, Antoine Drouin
+ *
+ * This file is part of paparazzi.
+ *
+ * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. 
+ *
+ *)
+open Printf
+type format = string
+type _type = 
+    Basic of string
+  | Array of string * string
+let c_type = fun format ->
+  match format with
+    "Float" -> "float"
+  | "Double" -> "double"
+  | "Int32" -> "int32_t"
+  | "Int16" -> "int16_t"
+  | "Int8" -> "int8_t"
+  | "Uint32" -> "uint32_t"
+  | "Uint16" -> "uint16_t"
+  | "Uint8" -> "uint8_t"
+  | _ -> failwith (sprintf "gen_messages.c_type: unknown format '%s'" format)
+type field = _type  * string * format option
+type fields = field list
+type message = { 
+    name : string; 
+    id : int; 
+    period : float option;
+    fields : fields
+  }
+module Syntax = struct
+  (** Parse a type name and returns a _type value *)
+  let parse_type = fun t varname ->
+    let n = String.length t in
+    if n >=2 && String.sub t (n-2) 2 = "[]" then
+      Array (String.sub t 0 (n-2), varname)
+    else
+      Basic t
+  let length_name = fun s -> "nb_"^s
+  let assoc_types t =
+    try
+      List.assoc t Pprz.types
+    with
+      Not_found -> 
+       failwith (sprintf "Error: '%s' unknown type" t)
+  let rec sizeof = function
+      Basic t -> string_of_int (assoc_types t).Pprz.size
+    | Array (t, varname) -> sprintf "1+%s*%s" (length_name varname) (sizeof 
(Basic t))
+  let rec nameof = function
+      Basic t -> String.capitalize t
+    | Array _ -> failwith "nameof"
+  (** Translates a "message" XML element into a value of the 'message' type *)
+  let struct_of_xml = fun xml ->
+    let name = ExtXml.attrib xml "name"
+    and id = ExtXml.int_attrib xml "id"
+    and period = try Some (ExtXml.float_attrib xml "period") with _ -> None
+    and fields =
+       (fun field ->
+         let id = ExtXml.attrib field "name"
+         and type_name = ExtXml.attrib field "type"
+         and fmt = try Some (Xml.attrib field "format") with _ -> None in
+         let _type = parse_type type_name id in
+         (_type, id, fmt))
+       (Xml.children xml) in 
+    { id=id; name = name; period = period; fields = fields }
+  let check_single_ids = fun msgs ->
+    let tab = Array.create 256 false
+    and  last_id = ref 0 in
+    List.iter (fun msg ->
+      if tab.( then
+        failwith (sprintf "Duplicated message id: %d";
+      if < !last_id then
+        fprintf stderr "Warning: unsorted id: %d\n%!";
+      last_id :=;
+      tab.( <- true)
+      msgs
+  (** Translates one class of a XML message file into a list of messages *)
+  let read = fun filename class_ ->
+    let xml = Xml.parse_file filename in
+    try
+      let xml_class = ExtXml.child ~select:(fun x -> Xml.attrib x "name" = 
class_) xml "class" in
+      let msgs = struct_of_xml (Xml.children xml_class) in
+      check_single_ids msgs;
+      msgs
+    with
+      Not_found -> failwith (sprintf "No class '%s' found" class_)
+end (* module Suntax *)
+(** Pretty printer of C macros for sending and parsing messages *)
+module Gen_onboard = struct
+  let print_field = fun h (t, name, (_f: format option)) ->
+    match t with 
+      Basic _ ->
+       fprintf h "\t  tp->PutBytes(tp->impl, %s, (uint8_t *) _%s); \n" 
(Syntax.sizeof t) name
+    | Array (t, varname) ->
+       let _s = Syntax.sizeof (Basic t) in
+       fprintf h "\t  tp->PutBytes(tp->impl, 1, (uint8_t *) &%s); \n" 
(Syntax.length_name varname);
+       fprintf h "\t  tp->PutBytes(tp->impl, %s * %s, (uint8_t *) _%s); \n" 
(Syntax.sizeof (Basic t)) (Syntax.length_name varname) name
+  let print_parameter h = function
+      (Array (t, varname), s, _) -> fprintf h "uint8_t %s, %s *_%s" 
(Syntax.length_name s) (c_type (Syntax.nameof (Basic t))) s
+    | (t, s, _) -> fprintf h "%s *_%s" (c_type (Syntax.nameof t)) s
+  let print_macro_parameters h = function
+      [] -> ()
+    | f::fields ->
+       print_parameter h f;
+       List.iter (fun f -> fprintf h ", "; print_parameter h f) fields
+  let rec size_fields = fun fields size ->
+    match fields with
+      [] -> size
+    | (t, _, _)::fields -> size_fields fields (size ^"+"^Syntax.sizeof t)
+  let size_of_message = fun m -> size_fields m.fields "0"
+  let estimated_size_of_message = fun m ->
+    try
+      List.fold_right
+       (fun (t, _, _)  r ->  int_of_string (Syntax.sizeof t)+r)
+       m.fields
+       0
+    with
+      Failure "int_of_string" -> 0
+  let print_downlink_macro = fun h {name=s; fields = fields} ->
+    if List.length fields > 0 then begin
+      fprintf h "static inline void DOWNLINK_SEND_%s(struct DownlinkTransport 
*tp, " s;
+    end else
+       fprintf h "static inline void DOWNLINK_SEND_%s(struct DownlinkTransport 
*tp " s;
+    print_macro_parameters h fields;
+    fprintf h "){ \n";
+    let size = (size_fields fields "0") in
+    fprintf h "\tif (tp->CheckFreeSpace(tp->impl, tp->SizeOf(tp->impl, %s))) 
{\n" size;
+    fprintf h "\t  tp->CountBytes(tp->impl, tp->SizeOf(tp->impl, %s)); \n" 
+    fprintf h "\t  tp->StartMessage(tp->impl, \"%s\", DL_%s, %s); \n" s s size;
+    List.iter (print_field h) fields;
+    fprintf h "\t  tp->EndMessage(tp->impl); \n";
+    fprintf h "\t} else \n";
+    fprintf h "\t  tp->Overrun(tp->impl); \n";
+    fprintf h "}\n\n"
+  let print_null_downlink_macro = fun h {name=s; fields = fields} ->
+    if List.length fields > 0 then begin
+      fprintf h "void DOWNLINK_SEND_%s(struct DownlinkTransport *tp, " s;
+    end else
+      fprintf h "void DOWNLINK_SEND_%s(struct DownlinkTransport *tp" s;
+    print_macro_parameters h fields;
+    fprintf h ") {}\n"
+  (** Prints the messages ids *)
+  let print_enum = fun h class_ messages ->
+    List.iter (fun m ->
+      if < 0 || > 255 then begin 
+        fprintf stderr "Error: message %s has id %d but should be between 0 
and 255\n"; exit 1;
+      end
+      else fprintf h "#define DL_%s %d\n"
+      ) messages;
+    fprintf h "#define DL_MSG_%s_NB %d\n\n" class_ (List.length messages)
+  (** Prints the table of the messages lengths *)
+  let print_lengths_array = fun h class_ messages ->
+    let sizes = (fun m -> (, size_of_message m)) messages in
+    let max_id = List.fold_right (fun (id, _m) x -> max x id) sizes min_int in
+    let n = max_id + 1 in
+    fprintf h "#define MSG_%s_LENGTHS {" class_;
+    for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+      fprintf h "%s," (try "(2+" ^ List.assoc i sizes^")" with Not_found -> 
+    done;
+    fprintf h "}\n\n";
+    (* Print a comment with the actual size (when not variable) *)
+    fprintf h "/*\n Size for non variable messages\n";
+    let sizes =
+       (fun m -> (estimated_size_of_message m,
+       messages in
+    let sizes = List.sort (fun (s1,_) (s2,_) -> compare s2 s1) sizes in
+    List.iter
+      (fun (s, id) -> fprintf h "%2d : %s\n" s id)
+      sizes;
+    fprintf h "*/\n"
+  (** Prints the macros required to send a message *)
+  let print_downlink_macros = fun h class_ messages ->
+    print_enum h class_ messages;
+    print_lengths_array h class_ messages;
+    List.iter (print_downlink_macro h) messages
+  let print_null_downlink_macros = fun h messages ->
+    List.iter (print_null_downlink_macro h) messages
+  (** Prints the macro to get access to the fields of a received message *)
+  let print_get_macros = fun h check_alignment message ->
+    let msg_name = in
+    let offset = ref Pprz.offset_fields in
+    (** Prints the macro for one field, using the global [offset] ref *)
+    let parse_field = fun (_type, field_name, _format) ->
+      if !offset < 0 then
+       failwith "FIXME: No field allowed after an array field 
+      (** Converts bytes into the required type *)
+      let typed = fun o pprz_type -> (* o for offset *)
+       let size = pprz_type.Pprz.size in
+       if check_alignment && o mod (min size 4) <> 0 then
+         failwith (sprintf "Wrong alignment of field '%s' in message '%s" 
field_name msg_name);
+       match size with
+         1 -> sprintf "(%s)(*((uint8_t*)_payload+%d))" pprz_type.Pprz.inttype o
+       | 2 -> sprintf 
pprz_type.Pprz.inttype o o
+       | 4 when pprz_type.Pprz.inttype = "float" -> 
+           sprintf "({ union { uint32_t u; float f; } _f; _f.u = 
 _f.f; })" o o o o
+       | 8 when pprz_type.Pprz.inttype = "double" ->
+           let s = ref (sprintf "*((uint8_t*)_payload+%d)" o) in
+           for i = 1 to 7 do
+             s := !s ^ sprintf "|((uint64_t)*((uint8_t*)_payload+%d+%d))<<%d" 
o i (8*i)
+           done;
+           sprintf "({ union { uint64_t u; double f; } _f; _f.u = 
(uint64_t)(%s); Swap32IfBigEndian(_f.u); _f.f; })" !s
+       | 4 -> 
+           sprintf 
 pprz_type.Pprz.inttype o o o o
+       | _ -> failwith "unexpected size in Gen_messages.print_get_macros" in
+      (** To be an array or not to be an array: *)
+      match _type with 
+       Basic t ->
+         let pprz_type = Syntax.assoc_types t in
+         fprintf h "#define DL_%s_%s(_payload) (%s)\n" msg_name field_name 
(typed !offset pprz_type);
+         offset := !offset + pprz_type.Pprz.size
+      | Array (t, _varname) ->
+         (** The macro to access to the length of the array *)
+         fprintf h "#define DL_%s_%s_length(_payload) (%s)\n" msg_name 
field_name (typed !offset (Syntax.assoc_types "uint8"));
+         incr offset;
+         (** The macro to access to the array itself *)
+         let pprz_type = Syntax.assoc_types t in
+         if check_alignment && !offset mod (min pprz_type.Pprz.size 4) <> 0 
+           failwith (sprintf "Wrong alignment of field '%s' in message '%s" 
field_name msg_name);
+         fprintf h "#define DL_%s_%s(_payload) ((%s*)(_payload+%d))\n" 
msg_name field_name pprz_type.Pprz.inttype !offset;
+         offset := -1 (** Mark for no more fields *)
+    in
+    fprintf h "\n";
+    (** Do it for all the fields of the message *)
+    List.iter parse_field message.fields
+end (* module Gen_onboard *)
+(********************* Main **************************************************)
+let () =
+  if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3 then begin
+    failwith (sprintf "Usage: %s <.xml file> <class_name>" Sys.argv.(0)) 
+  end;
+  let filename = Sys.argv.(1)
+  and class_name = Sys.argv.(2) in
+  try
+    let messages = filename class_name in
+    let h = stdout in
+    Printf.fprintf h "/* Automatically generated from %s */\n" filename;
+    Printf.fprintf h "/* Please DO NOT EDIT */\n";
+    Printf.fprintf h "/* Macros to send and receive messages of class %s */\n" 
+    Printf.fprintf h "#ifndef _VAR_MESSAGES2_%s_H_\n" class_name;
+    Printf.fprintf h "#define _VAR_MESSAGES2_%s_H_\n" class_name;
+    Printf.fprintf h "#include \"downlink_transport.h\"\n";
+    (** Macros for airborne downlink (sending) *)
+    if class_name = "telemetry" then begin (** FIXME *)
+      Printf.fprintf h "#ifdef DOWNLINK\n"
+    end;
+    Gen_onboard.print_downlink_macros h class_name messages;
+    if class_name = "telemetry" then begin
+      Printf.fprintf h "#else // DOWNLINK\n";
+      Gen_onboard.print_null_downlink_macros h messages;
+      Printf.fprintf h "#endif // DOWNLINK\n"
+    end;
+    (** Macros for airborne datalink (receiving) *)
+    let check_alignment = class_name <> "telemetry" in
+    List.iter (Gen_onboard.print_get_macros h check_alignment) messages;
+    Printf.fprintf h "#endif // _VAR_MESSAGES2_%s_H_\n" class_name
+  with
+    Xml.Error (msg, pos) -> failwith (sprintf "%s:%d : %s\n" filename 
(Xml.line pos) (Xml.error_msg msg))

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