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[paparazzi-commits] [paparazzi/paparazzi] 22f29a: [modules] dc: replace

From: GitHub
Subject: [paparazzi-commits] [paparazzi/paparazzi] 22f29a: [modules] dc: replace meter grid by proper distanc...
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:23:47 -0800

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 22f29ab63bde0dcf673087e5b759085ae8788c66
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-12-03 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M conf/airframes/CDW/ChimuTinyFwSpi.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/classix.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/ChimuJTinyFwSpi.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/ChimuTinyFw.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/yapa3_aspirin2.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/tiny2_chimu_spi_pt.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/yapa_xsens.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/MentorEnergy.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/Twinstar_energyadaptive.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/separate_fbw_ap.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/yapaChimuSpi.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_servo.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_uart.xml
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.c
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.h

  Log Message:
  [modules] dc: replace meter grid by proper distance autoshoot

Previously DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE would shoot on a 100m UTM north distance grid,
seems like nobody actually used that or found this useful.
So changing this to "proper" distance based autoshoot, storing the last shot 
position and
shoting the next one if dc_autoshoot_distance_interval is greater than distance 
to last saved shot position.

Some more cleanup:
- remove unused dc_probing
- remove unused DC_IMAGE_BUFFER_TPI

  Commit: 9be27ad2dea35c611abdb143750b8e8ea2090b12
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-12-03 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M conf/messages.xml
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.c
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/hackhd.c
    M sw/ground_segment/cockpit/
    M sw/tools/process_exif/

  Log Message:
  [modules][messages] send pos as LLA in DC_SHOT and DC_INFO

  Commit: 32079ca4b277f6a508bdb56f9812972451f5371e
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-12-03 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.c

  Log Message:
  [modules] dc: workaround to use waypoints in fixedwing and rotorcraft firmware

  Commit: a55a7eaff935082b4b7822cb1e775075937aa83d
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-12-03 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M conf/modules/digital_cam.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_i2c.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_servo.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_uart.xml

  Log Message:
  [modules] digital_cam_x: add dc.h header

  Commit: 5be90ed4393294bc9898dd52dbcfa1423c7de636
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-12-03 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M conf/airframes/examples/quadrotor_navgo.xml
    A conf/flight_plans/rotorcraft_cam.xml

  Log Message:
  [conf] example to test rotorcraft cam and dc stuff

  Commit: 8b6383a6692b66fec853616fe096e8dbf2d6217e
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-12-03 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M conf/modules/digital_cam.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_i2c.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_uart.xml
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.c
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.h

  Log Message:
  [modules] dc: more cleanup

- remove unneeded dc_buffer* variables
- replace SENSOR_SYNC_SEND with DC_SHOT_SYNC_SEND which defaults to TRUE
- add dc_distance function
- use dc_gps_count in distance mode
- cleanup some variables

  Commit: deb22d427e1331d5af32c81ca3351e5c1ec580c2
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-12-03 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M conf/messages.xml
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.c
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/hackhd.c

  Log Message:
  [modules] digital_cam: add heading and hmsl in DC_SHOT message

also fix DC_SHOT in hackhd

  Commit: 0dbce76f619c6aafcde2060b79d98efc7394f7f7
  Author: Felix Ruess <address@hidden>
  Date:   2014-12-04 (Thu, 04 Dec 2014)

  Changed paths:
    M conf/airframes/CDW/ChimuTinyFwSpi.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/classix.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/ChimuJTinyFwSpi.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/ChimuTinyFw.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/test/yapa3_aspirin2.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/tiny2_chimu_spi_pt.xml
    M conf/airframes/CDW/yapa_xsens.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/MentorEnergy.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/Twinstar_energyadaptive.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/quadrotor_navgo.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/separate_fbw_ap.xml
    M conf/airframes/examples/yapaChimuSpi.xml
    A conf/flight_plans/rotorcraft_cam.xml
    M conf/messages.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_i2c.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_servo.xml
    M conf/modules/digital_cam_uart.xml
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.c
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/dc.h
    M sw/airborne/modules/digital_cam/hackhd.c
    M sw/ground_segment/cockpit/
    M sw/tools/process_exif/

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #936 from paparazzi/digital_cam_cleanup

[modules] clean up digital cam

- actually use position in DC_SHOT message to display marker in GCS
- works for rotorcrafts as well now
- DC_SHOT message now with lat/lon/alt/hmsl instead of UTM and psi(heading) 
additionally to course
- general cleanup
- **replace meter grid by proper distance autoshoot**:
 Previously DC_AUTOSHOOT_DISTANCE would shoot on a 100m UTM north distance 
grid, seems like nobody actually used that or found this useful.
 So changing this to "proper" distance based autoshoot, where we shoot the next 
pic  if `dc_autoshoot_distance_interval` is greater than distance to last saved 
shot position.


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