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parallel ssh path questions

From: Chris Covington
Subject: parallel ssh path questions
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2011 10:34:37 -0400

hi all,

just wanted to say i love parallel and what it has done on single machines for me.  my question is about the remote portion which i'm excited about using as well.

the catch is in the environment that i'll be using parallel:
1) parallel will be available with the same path on every machine (ie /foo/bar/parallel) , but /foo/bar/parallel will not be in the $PATH. right now parallel just sshes to the remote boxes and then it fails because 'parallel' is not found. 
2) the user that parallel runs as will have a read-only homedir. 

for 1) how can I change / use parallel so that when it sshes to remote boxes it either calls parallel using the full path it was currently called with on the host machine, or it calls parallel using /foor/bar/parallel ?

i tried looking in the source code and i can't find the exact part i'd need to change, although i think it's in sub sshcommand_of_sshlogin or

sub sshlogin_wrap

for 2) it appears from the source that when remoting parallel will use $HOME/.parallel for temp files.  how can this be changed to use say /var/tmp/.parallel or /tmp/.parallel? 

thanks much


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