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[Partysip-dev] the miracle of "record-route"

From: Stefan Fritzsche
Subject: [Partysip-dev] the miracle of "record-route"
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 12:10:59 +0100 (MET)

Now, that I compiled the new cvs-branch successfully,
I tried to configure it to perform "record-route".

First I turned on "record-route" everywhere it was turned
of. But that didn't work. Then I tried to uncomment every
place where "record-route" was commented and turned
them on. But that didn't work, too.

Ethereal shows me, that there is no "record-route"-header-
field in any of the SIP-messages.

So is there a magic spell to let partysip perform

Best regards,
Stefan Fritzsche

PS: the ls-sfull-plugin tells me that it is configured to perform
record-routing, so I think i configured the right partysip.conf!

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